outis - 感谢您的精彩回答。如果不是你,我现在还在写基本的宏!
invokePyFunc 的最后 2 个参数始终为空 - 只需使用以下命令:
const filename = "your_file"
Function pyFunc(func as String, args as Array)
pyFunc = invokePyFunc(filename, func, args, Array(), Array())
End Function
多维数组很难返回。如果您返回((1,2,3), (4,5,6))
calc 将其视为包含未知对象的一行中的 2 个单元格。
这是因为 basic 和 python 对待多维数组的方式不同。
calcdata(row, col)
' Converts python multidimensional arrays to basic arrays.
function convPy2Basic(pyvalue)
if isarray(pyvalue) then
dim lastRow as integer
lastRow = ubound(pyvalue)
if lastRow = -1 then
' empty array
convPy2Basic = ""
if isarray(pyvalue(0)) then
' Multi-dimensional array
dim maxCols as integer, lastCol as integer
maxCols = ubound(pyvalue(0))
dim res(lastRow, maxCols)
for rowIndex = 0 to lastRow
lastCol = ubound(pyvalue(rowIndex))
' Expand array if needed.
if lastCol > maxCols then
maxCols = lastCol
redim preserve res(lastRow, maxCols)
end if
for colIndex = 0 to lastCol
res(rowIndex, colIndex) = pyvalue(rowIndex)(colIndex)
next colIndex
next rowIndex
convPy2Basic = res
' Single-dimensional array - this is supported by libreoffice
convPy2Basic = pyvalue
end if
end if
convPy2Basic = pyvalue
end if
end function
Function invokeScriptFunc(file AS String, lang, ext, func As String, args As Array, outIdxs As Array, outArgs As Array)
sURL = URL_Main & file & "." & ext & "$" & func & "?language=" & lang & "&location=user"
oMSP = getMasterScriptProvider()
oScript = oMSP.getScript(sURL)
invokeScriptFunc = oScript.invoke(args, outIdxs, outArgs)
end Function
Function invokePyFunc(file AS String, func As String, args As Array, outIdxs As Array, outArgs As Array)
res = invokeScriptFunc(file, "Python", "py", func, args, outIdxs, outArgs)
invokePyFunc = convPy2Basic(res)
end Function
所以我的 python-basic 宏桥看起来像这样:
' Keep a global reference to the ScriptProvider, since this stuff may be called many times:
Global g_MasterScriptProvider as Object
' Specify location of Python script, providing cell functions:
Const URL_Main as String = "vnd.sun.star.script:"
' Converts python multidimensional arrays to basic arrays.
function convPy2Basic(pyvalue)
if isarray(pyvalue) then
dim lastRow as integer
lastRow = ubound(pyvalue)
if lastRow = -1 then
' empty array
convPy2Basic = ""
if isarray(pyvalue(0)) then
' Multi-dimensional array
dim maxCols as integer, lastCol as integer
maxCols = ubound(pyvalue(0))
dim res(lastRow, maxCols)
for rowIndex = 0 to lastRow
lastCol = ubound(pyvalue(rowIndex))
' Expand array if needed.
if lastCol > maxCols then
maxCols = lastCol
redim preserve res(lastRow, maxCols)
end if
for colIndex = 0 to lastCol
res(rowIndex, colIndex) = pyvalue(rowIndex)(colIndex)
next colIndex
next rowIndex
convPy2Basic = res
' Single-dimensional array - this is supported by libreoffice
convPy2Basic = pyvalue
end if
end if
convPy2Basic = pyvalue
end if
end function
Function invokeScriptFunc(file AS String, lang, ext, func As String, args As Array, outIdxs As Array, outArgs As Array)
sURL = URL_Main & file & "." & ext & "$" & func & "?language=" & lang & "&location=user"
oMSP = getMasterScriptProvider()
oScript = oMSP.getScript(sURL)
invokeScriptFunc = oScript.invoke(args, outIdxs, outArgs)
end Function
Function invokePyFunc(file AS String, func As String, args As Array, outIdxs As Array, outArgs As Array)
res = invokeScriptFunc(file, "Python", "py", func, args, outIdxs, outArgs)
invokePyFunc = convPy2Basic(res)
end Function
Function getMasterScriptProvider()
if isNull(g_MasterScriptProvider) then
oMasterScriptProviderFactory = createUnoService("com.sun.star.script.provider.MasterScriptProviderFactory")
g_MasterScriptProvider = oMasterScriptProviderFactory.createScriptProvider("")
getMasterScriptProvider = g_MasterScriptProvider
End Function
const filename = "skaiciuokle"
Function pyFunc(func as String, args as Array)
pyFunc = invokePyFunc(filename, func, args, Array(), Array())
End Function
function DamageToArmor(data, damageType as String, armorType as String, dmgPerGun as Integer, guns as Integer)
DamageToArmor = pyFunc("dmg2armor", Array(data, damageType, armorType, dmgPerGun, guns))
end function