我正在尝试将 FlexiGrid 插件与 CodeIgniter 一起使用,但是当页面显示网格显示时,但没有记录,并且有一条小消息说您应该在处理过程中等待,它永远不会消失......



    class Flexigrid extends CI_Controller

    /*  function Flexigrid  ()
        function __construct()

        function index()
            //ver lib

               * 0 - display name
               * 1 - width
               * 2 - sortable
               * 3 - align
               * 4 - searchable (2 -> yes and default, 1 -> yes, 0 -> no.)
            $colModel['id'] = array('id', 40, TRUE, 'center', 2);
            $colModel['username'] = array('username', 40, TRUE, 'center', 0);
            $colModel['email'] = array('email', 180, TRUE, 'left', 1);

               * Aditional Parameters
            $gridParams = array(
                'width' => 'auto',
                'height' => 400,
                'rp' => 15,
                'rpOptions' => '[10,15,20,25,40]',
                'pagestat' => 'Displaying: {from} to {to} of {total} items.',
                'blockOpacity' => 0.5,
                'title' => 'Hello',
                'showTableToggleBtn' => true

               * 0 - display name
               * 1 - bclass
               * 2 - onpress
            $buttons[] = array('Delete', 'delete', 'test');
            $buttons[] = array('separator');
            $buttons[] = array('Select All', 'add', 'test');
            $buttons[] = array('DeSelect All', 'delete', 'test');
            $buttons[] = array('separator');

            //Build js
            //View helpers/flexigrid_helper.php for more information about the params on this function
            $grid_js = build_grid_js('flex1', site_url("/ajax"), $colModel, 'id', 'asc', $gridParams, $buttons);

            $data['js_grid'] = $grid_js;
            $data['version'] = "0.36";
            $data['download_file'] = "Flexigrid_CI_v0.36.rar";

            $this->load->view('flexigrid', $data);

        function example()
            $data['version'] = "0.36";
            $data['download_file'] = "Flexigrid_CI_v0.36.rar";

            $this->load->view('example', $data);


Flexigrid view (only changes in head to correct paths to css and js):

        <title>Flexigrid Implemented in CodeIgniter</title>
        <link href="<?=$this->config->item('base_url');?>assets/flexigrid/css/style.css" rel="stylesheet" type="text/css"/>
        <link href="<?=$this->config->item('base_url');?>assets/flexigrid/css/flexigrid.css" rel="stylesheet"
        <script type="text/javascript" src="<?=base_url()?>assets/scripts/jquery-1.5.1.min.js"></script>
        <script type="text/javascript"
        <script type="text/javascript"


<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
 * Eye View Design CMS module Ajax Model
 * PHP version 5
 * @category  CodeIgniter
 * @package   EVD CMS
 * @author    Frederico Carvalho
 * @copyright 2008 Mentes 100Limites
 * @version   0.1

class Ajax_model extends CI_Model
     * Instanciar o CI
/*  public function Ajax_model()
        $this->CI =& get_instance();

    function __construct()
        $this->CI =& get_instance();

    public function get_countries()
        //Select table name
        $table_name = "users";

        //Build contents query

        //Get contents
        $return['records'] = $this->db->get();

        //Build count query
        $this->db->select('count(id) as record_count')->from($table_name);
        $record_count = $this->db->get();
        $row = $record_count->row();

        //Get Record Count
        $return['record_count'] = $row->record_count;

        //Return all
        return $return;

     * Remove country
     * @param int country id
     * @return boolean
    public function delete_country($country_id)
        $delete_country = $this->db->query('DELETE FROM country WHERE id=' . $country_id);

        return TRUE;


Ajax控制器(必须使用非JSon扩展代码,所以根据FlexiGrid网站上的说明将其他部分注释掉。另外,我在修改$recorde_item数组时有点困惑,因为示例有id开始时两次。我认为这一定是一个错误,但也尝试添加第二个 id 行,也没有帮助):

<?php if (!defined('BASEPATH')) exit('No direct script access allowed');
class Ajax extends CI_Controller

/*  function Ajax ()

    function __construct()

    function index()
        //List of all fields that can be sortable. This is Optional.
        //This prevents that a user sorts by a column that we dont want him to access, or that doesnt exist, preventing errors.
        $valid_fields = array('id', 'username', 'email');

        $this->flexigrid->validate_post('id', 'asc', $valid_fields);

        //Get "countries"

        $records = $this->ajax_model->get_countries();

        //Init json build
        if ($this->flexigrid->init_json_build($records['record_count'])) {
            //Add records
            foreach ($records['records']->result() as $row)
                $record_item = array($row->id,

            //Last item added, close up.

        //Print please


           * Json build WITH json_encode. If you do not have this function please read
           * http://flexigrid.eyeviewdesign.com/index.php/flexigrid/example#s3 to know how to use the alternative
        /*        foreach ($records['records']->result() as $row)
           $record_items[] = array($row->id,
                                   '<span style=\'color:#ff4400\'>' . addslashes($row->printable_name) . '</span>',
                                   '<a href=\'#\'><img border=\'0\' src=\'' . $this->config->item('base_url') . 'public/images/close.png\'></a> '
       //Print please
       $this->output->set_output($this->flexigrid->json_build($records['record_count'], $record_items));*/

    //Delete Country
    function deletec()
        $countries_ids_post_array = split(",", $this->input->post('items'));

        foreach ($countries_ids_post_array as $index => $country_id)
            if (is_numeric($country_id) && $country_id > 1)

        $error = "Selected countries (id's: " . $this->input->post('items') . ") deleted with success";



嗯,应该是这样的。我还必须将“扩展控制器”等更改为“扩展 CI_Controller”,因为示例中的代码似乎适用于旧版本的 CodeIgniter。

但同样,它不起作用。我只得到一个空网格。数据库表确实有我提到的字段。至少我自己找不到任何错别字。它也是我在 CodeIgniter 中的默认数据库,在其他情况下我也可以轻松连接到它。它是自动加载的,所以我猜它应该自动工作,对吧?我不应该在这里手动连接到数据库,因为它使用 $db 变量...



2 回答 2


I Implemented Flexigrid with Codeigniter 2.1.0. You can download the code from my blog. Flexigrid in Codeigniter 2.1.0 and you can check the tutorial at Flexigrid Tutorial

于 2012-04-05T02:35:30.350 回答

不确定您是否仍然需要此帮助,并且我不确定我是否是最好的教学人员,因为我还是 PHP 新手并且不知道最“安全”的做法,但是,以下是我能够使用 flexgrid 并可以帮助未来的用户,或者从更高级的用户那里激发出更“安全”的想法。没有进一步的告别,我的解决方案:

在 javasript 中抓取和使用 json 很容易,检查一下: 记住我试图保持这个非常通用并删除所有可能的个人值......它认为

var flexset = {
    url:            'https://www.yourSite.com/index.php/yourController/yourDBFunc',
    dataType:       'json',
    colModel :      [
                        {display: 'A Column', name: 'a_col', width: 80, sortable: true, align: 'center'},   //  where name=the name of the column in the database
                        {display: 'Another Column', name: 'another_col', width: 110, sortable: false, align: 'center'}
    buttons :       [ {name: "aButton", onpress: someFunction} ],
    searchitems :   [
                        {display: 'A Column (some more info if you want)', name: 'a_col', isdefault: true}, //  where name=the name of the column in the database
                        {display: 'Quantity', name: 'charge'}
    sortname:       "a_col",    //  the name of the column in the database
    sortorder:      "desc", //  desc or asc
    usepager:       true,
    title:          'Some grid title',
    useRp:          true,
    rp:             20,
    showTableToggleBtn:     true,
    resizable:      true,
    width:          "100%",
    height:         "400px",
    singleSelect:   true,
    onSuccess:      function() {
        //  do some work each time grid is loaded/refreshed, for instance, manipulate certain cells to have specific bgcolor based on content
    console.log('onSuccess:\t\t', this, gridData);
    console.log('Your inner table:\t', gridData.bDiv);
    //  you can get specific cells by searching from an attribute called "abbr" on each cell, 
    //  it will = the same "name" you used when setting up the column that cell belongs too

在 php 中,它变得有点困难,因为我使用了 2 个函数,一个是公共的,一个是私有的。私有的实际上进行数据库查询,而公共的则由 flexigrid 访问以获取 json_encoded 格式的结果数据。


public function getJSONData() {
    //  to ensure its being pulled from a logged user, 
    //  i always set at least one "where" var by hand, 
    //  in this case, i am going to set the where to 
    //  look for all rows containing this user's id,
    //  so i quickly grab the session var for the current id
    $userID = $this->session->userdata('userID');
    //  should easily be greater than false in this case unless maybe it's id is 0?
    //  in any case, this is not the exact var i check, but same exact concept and my stuff works
    if ($userID) {
        // Return JSON data
        $data = array();
        //  first i check post for a page number and go ahead and set the page
        //  this will be usful later in setting up the page query
        $data['page'] = floatval(($this->input->post('page', TRUE))) ? floatval($this->input->post('page', TRUE)) : 1;

        $value = array(
            'select' => '*',
            'where' => array( 'ownerID' => $userID ),   // here you see my preset where clause, not absolutly necesary but useful, with some slight manipulation, you could easily redo this how you like
            'orderBy' => array( 'a_col' => 'desc' ) // here i set a default orderby in case it's not provided by the post

        // Get all other POSSIBLE posted data and save it to $value for passing to private func
        if ($this->input->post('qtype', TRUE) && $this->input->post('query', TRUE)) $value['where'][$this->input->post('qtype', TRUE)] = $this->input->post('query', TRUE);
        if ($this->input->post('sortname', TRUE) && $this->input->post('sortorder', TRUE)) $value['orderBy'] = array( $this->input->post('sortname', TRUE) => $this->input->post('sortorder', TRUE) );
        if ($this->input->post('rp', TRUE)) $value['limit'] = array( $this->input->post('rp', TRUE) => (($data['page'] - 1) * floatval($this->input->post('rp', TRUE))) );

        //  call private function to get the desired data from db
        $results = $this->getDBData($value);
        //  set return data's total count
        $data['total'] = $results["total"]["absolute"];

        //   now we clearly define our "ROWS" for the return data to display in our final grid output
        $data['rows'] = array();
        foreach($results["rows"] as $k => $v) {
            $data['rows'][] = array(
                "id" => $v["id"],
                "cell" => array(    // keep in mind the order of these result here need match the order of the cols you set in the flexset options
        //  finally, json encode the data to be returned
        $data = json_encode($data);
        echo($data);    // and echo the data to our ajax caller

私人功能 应该是不言自明的

private function getDBData($val) {
    $data = array( 'options'=>array(), 'rows'=>array(), 'total'=>array( 'absolute'=>0, 'offset'=>0 ) );
    if (array_key_exists("from", $val)) {
        $select = (array_key_exists("select", $val)) ? $val["select"] : "*";
        $from = $val["from"];   //  cannot be changed
        $where = array();       //  (col => value)
        $orderBy = array();     //  (name => direction)
        $limit = array();       //  "totalLimit" or (start => offset)
        $limitType = "array";
        $total = 0;

        if (array_key_exists("where", $val)) if (gettype($val["where"]) === "array") $where = $val["where"];
        if (array_key_exists("orderBy", $val)) if (gettype($val["orderBy"]) === "array") $orderBy = $val["orderBy"];
        if (array_key_exists("limit", $val)) {
            if (gettype($val["limit"]) === "array" || gettype($val["limit"]) === "integer" || gettype($val["limit"]) === "string") {
                $limit = $val["limit"];
                $limitType = gettype($val["limit"]);

        $options = array( 'select'=>$select, 'from'=>$from, 'where'=>$where, 'orderBy'=>$orderBy, 'limit'=>$limit, 'limitType'=>$limitType );

        if (count($where) > 0) $this->db->where($where);
        if (count($orderBy) > 0) {
            foreach ($orderBy as $k => $v) {
                $this->db->order_by($k, $v);
        if (gettype($limit) === "array") {
            foreach ($limit as $k => $v) {
                $this->db->limit($k, $v);
        elseif (gettype($limit) === "integer" || gettype($limit) === "string") {

        $records = $this->db->get();
        $results = $records->result_array();
        if (count($where) > 0) {
            $total = $this->db->get_where($from, $where)->num_rows;
        else {
            $total = $this->db->get($from)->num_rows;

        $data["options"] = $options;
        $data["rows"] = $results;
        $data["total"]["absolute"] = $total;
        $data["total"]["offset"] = $records->num_rows;
于 2012-02-07T17:55:49.053 回答