$(document).ready(function() {
var myScroll;
myScroll = new iScroll('wrapper');
然而,假设有一个 ID 为“wrapper”的元素。我想在类名“可滚动”的所有元素上触发它。我已经在这个脚本的插件上看到了这一点。任何想法如何在这里做到这一点?
您可以为同一类“可滚动”分配不同的 ID,并且...
$(document).ready(function() {
//Created an array for adding n iScroll objects
var myScroll = new Array();
id = $(this).attr('id');
myScroll.push(new iScroll(id));
我已经在Mobile Site 中回答了这个问题:iPhone 上缺少水平滚动
使用 jQuery 和 iScroll,您可以进行以下操作:
<!-- include jquery and iscroll -->
<div id="divPretendingIsDeviceScreen" style="max-width:320px;overflow:hidden;">
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
<h2>Another header</h2>
text text:<br/>
<div class="divToBeScrolled">
div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />
<h2>Another header</h2>
text text:<br/>
<div class="divToBeScrolled">
div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />
<h2>Another header</h2>
text text:<br/>
<div class="divToBeScrolled">
div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />
<h2>Another header</h2>
text text:<br/>
<div class="divToBeScrolled">
div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />div to be scrolled yay <br />
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet.
<style type="text/css">
.scrollerType {
/* put max height you want the scroller div to have,
normally less than the device's window size, like 200px or so so.*/
div.divToBeScrolled {
<script charset="utf-8" type="text/javascript">
var snippetName = new Array(); //creates a new array to make the var names for iscroll
var selfId = new Array(); //creates a new array to make the names for the scrollers
$('.syntaxhighlighter').each(function(index) { //for each '.syntaxhighlighter' and 'index' as counter
selfId[index] = 'scrollerId'+index; //creating a new id name for the container
$(this).wrap('<div id='+selfId[index]+' class="scrollerType" />'); //wrapping each '.syntaxhighlighter' with the container
var timeout = setTimeout(function(){ //yes, timeout. This to support Android mostly
snippetName[index] = new iScroll(selfId[index], { //initializing multiple iscroll's each with an index and targeting the selfId
//here you declare various options - see "Passing parameters to the iScroll" at iScroll page
//this is the best set, i think
snap: false,
momentum: true,
hScrollbar: false,
vScrollbar: false,
hScroll: true,
vScroll: true,
}); //end new iScroll
},100); //100ms just bc 0ms or 1ms might not be enough
}); //end .each
这是我指出的另一个问题的测试用例(http://portableideas.net/myRepo/trunk/stackoverflow/www/questions_7869572.html )。
这是我写作时已有 2 年历史的对话,只要 StackOverflow 还活着,这个对话就会一直存在。
var contentToScroll;
var idNum=1;
//e.g <li class="scrollable" id="conT1"> Contents</li>
//<li class="scrollable" id="conT2"> Contents</li> e.t.c
$(this).attr("id", 'conT'+idNum);//assign ids here
var id = $(this).attr('id');
contentToScroll=new IScroll('#'+id,{scrollbars: true});
将 ID 分别动态分配给预期的可缩放元素,并告诉iScroll5使它们可滚动。