或者一些工厂方法,你也许能够得到你想要的效果并减少动态内存分配的痛苦。我试过了,它似乎工作。一旦代码退出作用域,所有对象都将被销毁,因为没有对 shared_ptrs 的引用。
响应zounds 的评论,我修改了示例,以便根对象控制数据结构的生命周期。
#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include <vector>
#include <boost\shared_ptr.hpp>
#include <boost\weak_ptr.hpp>
using boost::shared_ptr;
using boost::weak_ptr;
using std::string;
using std::cout;
using std::endl;
using std::vector;
class person;
typedef shared_ptr<person> Person;
typedef weak_ptr<person> PersonWk;
class person {
PersonWk pThis;
friend Person makePerson(const string & nam, Person m = Person());
string name;
PersonWk mommy; // children should not affect parent lifetime, so store weak ptr
vector<Person> children; // parents affect children lifetime so store child shared ptrs
// make constructor private so that you can only make a person using factory method
person(const string & nam, Person m) : name(nam), mommy(m)
// for demo purposes
printf("creating %s\n", nam.c_str());
// undefined copy constructor and assignment operators
person(const person&);
person& operator=(const person&);
// for demo purposes
static int personCount;
// for demo purposes
printf("destroying %s\n", name.c_str());
Person baby(const string & nam){
Person child = makePerson(nam, Person(pThis));
return child;
void talk() const{
if (Person mom = mommy.lock())
cout << name << endl;
int person::personCount = 0;
// factory method to make a person
Person makePerson(const string & name, Person m) {
Person p = Person(new person(name, m));
p->pThis = p; // stash weak_ptr so I can use it to make a shared_ptr from "this" in the baby method
return p;
void use(const Person p) {
printf("In method use...\n");
int _tmain(int argc, _TCHAR* argv[])
printf("personCount=%d\n", person::personCount);
Person ann = makePerson("Ann");
// ann has baby and grandbaby, pass grandbaby to use method
ann.reset(); // remove reference from root object. Destruction ensues...
printf("personCount=%d\n", person::personCount);
return 0;