The main ideea is to have a folder with this structure in your project base path
Now who the whole thing works is that you have 3 folders:
Holds the table create query. I recommend using the naming “table_name.sql”.
Holds the table insert data query. I recommend using the same naming “table_name.sql”.
Note: Not all tables need a data file, you would only add the ones that need this initial data on project install.
This is the main folder you will work with.
This holds the change sets made to the initial structure. This holds actually folders with changesets.
For example i added a folder 1123 wich will contain the modifications made in revision 1123 ( the number is from your code source control ) and may contain one or more sql files.
I like to add them grouped into tables with the naming xx_tablename.sql - the xx is a number that tells the order they need to be runned, since sometimes you need the modification runned in a certain order.
When you modify a table, you also add those modifications to table and data files … since those are the file s that will be used to do a fresh install.
This is the main ideea.
for more details you could check this blog post