我有一个 winform 应用程序包含一个列表视图和一个按钮。listview 包含 1 列,其中包含我需要稍后传递给我的函数的数据。该列包含可以说包含链接列表的 50 行。
现在我有了这个函数,我用它来获取和抓取这些链接的内容(一次 5 个链接),使用并行多线程模式(任务并行库):
//List<int> currentWorkingItem //contains the indices of the items in listview
//List<string> URLsList //contains the URLs of the items in listview
Parallel.ForEach(URLsList, new ParallelOptions() { MaxDegreeOfParallelism = 5 }, (url, i, j) =>
//show to user this link is currently being downloaded by highlighting the item to green...
//current working item
mylistview.Items[currentWorkingItem[(int)j]].BackColor = green;
//here I download the contents of every link in the list...
string HtmlResponse = GetPageResponse(url);
//do further processing....