type my_types =
| MAlpha
| MBeta of int list
| MGamma of string * int
let find_first where what =
List.iter ( fun m ->
| MAlpha ->
(* iterate frough "what" to find if it was asked to look and return it if it was *)
| (* do the same for all other types *)
) where;
let main =
let where_to_find = [MGamma, MAlpha, MBeta] in
let what_to_find = [MAlpha, MBeta] in
(match (first_found where_to_find what_to_find) with
| MAlpha ->
(* should return this *)
有没有办法在不触及find_first中所有类型的MyType的情况下这样做- 是否可以比较两个值的类型?谢谢你。