我正在尝试使用我的 Xerox documate 752 以双面方式扫描 A3 页面。我正在使用文档进纸器对其进行良好扫描,但只能在侧面进行扫描。我如何访问其他图像?
dynamic imageFile1;
dynamic imageFile2;
dynamic wiaDialog = AutomationFactory.CreateObject("WIA.CommonDialog");
dynamic Scanner = wiaDialog.ShowSelectDevice(1, false, false);
dynamic manager = AutomationFactory.CreateObject("WIA.DeviceManager");
dynamic deviceInfo = null;
foreach (dynamic info in manager.DeviceInfos)
if (info.DeviceID == Scanner.DeviceID)
deviceInfo = info;
dynamic device = deviceInfo.Connect();
dynamic item = device.Items[1];
int dpi = 150;
item.Properties["6146"].Value = 2;
item.Properties["6147"].Value = dpi;
item.Properties["6148"].Value = dpi;
item.Properties["6151"].Value = (int)(dpi * _width);
item.Properties["6152"].Value = (int)(dpi * _height);
int deviceHandling = 5;//code for both feed (1) + duplex (4)
device.Properties["3088"].Value = deviceHandling;
int handlingStatus = (int)device.Properties["3087"].Value;
if (handlingStatus == deviceHandling)
//scan the file
imageFile1 = wiaDialog.ShowTransfer(item, "{B96B3CAE-0728-11D3-9D7B-0000F81EF32E}", true);
//get the second image
imageFile2 = wiaDialog.ShowTransfer(item, "{B96B3CAE-0728-11D3-9D7B-0000F81EF32E}", true);
从我在其他地方读到的内容,如果有双面图像,您可以通过再次调用 ShowTransfer() 来访问它。在我的扫描仪上,这个简单的尝试扫描新文档并返回错误,因为进纸器现在是空的。我从 handlingStatus 返回 5,表明提要 (1) 和双工 (4) 都已打开 - 还是我完全弄错了?