

TITLE MASM Template                     (main.asm)

; Description: this code is supposed to print out each letter followed by a space and then the capitalized version on seperate lines
; Revision date:

INCLUDE Irvine32.inc

myArray byte 'l','s','d','t','h','c','f','u','c','k'    ;my array of 10 characters
main PROC

    mov ecx,0                                        ;clears ecx
    mov ecx,LENGTHOF myArray                         ;should be 10
    mov edi,OFFSET myArray                   ;will point to the beginning of the array
    mov eax,0                                       ;clears eax
    mov esi,0                                       ;clears esi


    mov eax,myArray[esi]          ;points the pointer at the beginning of myArray
    WriteChar eax                     ;prints the designated value in the array
    WriteChar 32                    ;prints a space (32 is the ascii value for ' ')
    sub eax,32                      ;subtracts 32 from the ascii value of the char
                         ;the capital version of each letter is -32 of its ascii value
    WriteChar eax           ;prints the capital version
    call CLRF               ;prints new line
    inc esi                 ;increments esi to the next array value
    dec ecx                 ;decrements ecx, moving it through the array

    loop LOne               ;loops back until ecx is equal to zero

main ENDP

END main


1>main.asm(22): 错误 A2008: 语法错误: eax
1>main.asm(23): 错误 A2008: 语法错误: WriteChar
1>main.asm(26): 错误 A2008: 语法错误: eax
1> main.asm(21): 错误 A2022: 指令操作数必须相同大小
1>main.asm(27): 错误 A2006: 未定义符号 : CLRF


1 回答 1


啊,Kip Irvine 的书……我记得我想写我自己的图书馆,这样我就不必使用他的……


假设他的库自第 4 版以来没有更改,则WriteChar需要您将要写入的字符移动到寄存器al中。 Crlf不需要任何参数,因此您可以直接调用它,但拼写很重要。;)

mov     al, BYTE PTR [edi + esi]
call    WriteChar                  ; print the character found at [edi + esi]

call    Crlf                       ; print a new line


于 2011-09-23T03:48:50.440 回答