在 cProjects 中创建项目时,我使用BADI BADI DPR_FIN_GECCO_ATTR
它来操作在 SAP PS 中创建的外部 WBS ID。
SAP 接受我为阶段级别传递的 ID,但对于任务级别,SAP 将字符串“/TTO”附加到我的 WBS ID 的末尾。知道为什么会发生这种情况以及如何摆脱它。“/TTO”违反或屏蔽PS中的结构?
constants: lc_phase_id_ps type char30 value 'DPR_TV_PROJECT_ELEMENT_ID_PS',
lc_task_id_co type char30 value 'DPR_TV_PROJECT_ELEMENT_ID_CO'.
field-symbols: <project_ext> type dpr_ts_project_ext,
<project_int> type dpr_ts_project_int,
<phase_ext> type dpr_ts_phase_ext,
<phase_int> type dpr_ts_phase_int,
<task_ext> type dpr_ts_task_ext,
<task_int> type dpr_ts_task_int,
<attributes> type dpr_ts_iaom_object_attribute.
case ir_common->get_object_type( ).
when cl_dpr_co=>sc_ot_project.
"not doing anything with this data yet
assign ir_project_ext->* to <project_ext>.
assign ir_project_int->* to <project_int>.
when cl_dpr_co=>sc_ot_phase.
assign ir_attributes_ext->* to <phase_ext>.
assign ir_attributes_int->* to <phase_int>.
read table ct_attributes assigning <attributes>
with key data_element = lc_phase_id_ps.
if sy-subrc = 0.
<attributes>-value = <phase_ext>-phase_id. "something like Z/001-001
when cl_dpr_co=>sc_ot_task.
assign ir_attributes_ext->* to <task_ext>.
assign ir_attributes_int->* to <task_int>.
read table ct_attributes assigning <attributes>
with key data_element = lc_task_id_co.
if sy-subrc = 0.
<attributes>-value = <task_ext>-search_field. "something like Z/001-001-001
"sometime after this badi call it is changed to Z/001-001-001/TTO