Another question for all WP7 lovers!

We have the following problem: we have creates a portal page with a JSR286 local rendering portlet that show a lotus wcm content. When the portal render the JSR portlet, it show the following exception "Error 500: java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: Array index out of range: 0"

On the IBM developerWorks, I've found this post developerWorks Thread that tell to install the IBM Combined Cumulative Fix 004 to solve this problem IBM PM33952

Being a Combined Cumulative Fix, we've installed the Combined Cumulative Fix 007 (that containes the 004 fix)! But after installation, the exception seems to be remained!

Have you solved this problem? What's your solution? Thanks in advance!


1 回答 1


这些很可能是由菜单或导航器组件引起的,如果由于某种原因结果集为零,则它们无法呈现自己。您应该做的是收集WCM 一般信息,必须收集并在跟踪中重现问题。然后您可以查看导致异常的组件以及使用的渲染上下文。检查上下文(站点区域/内容)和组件。如果您无法发现它们有任何问题,请提交带有痕迹的 PMR。

于 2011-10-19T20:35:30.500 回答