我一直在尝试恢复现有的绘图检查宏,并希望找到每张纸上任何笔记块的坐标。我一直在使用此页面中的 GetAttachPos 方法修改此处找到的代码,但由于某种原因,返回的任何坐标都会返回 (8.80942311664557E-03,2.24429295226372E-03)。
Sub Main()
Dim swApp As SldWorks.SldWorks
Set swApp = CreateObject("SldWorks.Application")
Dim NoteNumbersText As String
Dim NoteText As String
Dim NumberofSheets As Integer ' The number of sheets in this drawing
Dim NamesOfSheets As Variant ' Names of all of the sheets
Dim sheet As SldWorks.sheet ' The Sheet that we are working on
Dim LocalView As SldWorks.View ' Current View that we are looking at
Dim LocalNote As SldWorks.Note ' Current Note that we are looking at
Dim TextFormat As SldWorks.TextFormat ' Current text format object of a note
Dim Xpos As Double ' X, Y Z position on the drawing in Metres
Dim Ypos As Double
Dim SizeOfSheet As Double
Dim x As Integer ' general Loop Variables
Dim j As Integer
Dim k As Integer
Dim l As Integer
Dim vPosition As Variant
Dim vNote As Variant ' Single note
Dim swNote As SldWorks.Note ' Single Solidworks Note Object
Dim ThisAnnotation As SldWorks.Annotation
Dim swBlockInst As SldWorks.SketchBlockInstance
Dim swBlockDef As SldWorks.SketchBlockDefinition
Dim NumofNotes As Integer
Dim ArrayOfNotes() As NoteInfo
Dim LocalDrawingDoc As SldWorks.DrawingDoc ' Declared as an Object so that non Drawings can be detected!
Dim LocalPart As SldWorks.ModelDoc2 ' Declared as an Object so that non Drawings can be detected!
Dim strShtProp As Variant
Set LocalDrawingDoc = swApp.ActiveDoc
Set LocalPart = swApp.ActiveDoc
ReDim ArrayOfNotes(0)
' Get the sheet names and the number of them
NamesOfSheets = LocalDrawingDoc.GetSheetNames()
NumberofSheets = LocalDrawingDoc.GetSheetCount
' store this sheet name
Set sheet = LocalDrawingDoc.GetCurrentSheet()
strShtProp = sheet.GetProperties() ' get the sheet properties use much later for converting position into ref
SizeOfSheet = strShtProp(5)
Dim SwSketchMgr As SldWorks.SketchManager
Set SwSketchMgr = LocalDrawingDoc.SketchManager
Dim i As Integer
Dim vBlockDef As Variant
Dim vBlockInst As Variant
Dim strReturn As String
' Dim bret As Boolean
vBlockDef = SwSketchMgr.GetSketchBlockDefinitions
For x = NumberofSheets - 1 To 0 Step -1
If LocalDrawingDoc.GetCurrentSheet.GetName <> NamesOfSheets(x) Then LocalDrawingDoc.ActivateSheet NamesOfSheets(x)
Set LocalView = LocalDrawingDoc.GetFirstView
While Not LocalView Is Nothing
If Not IsEmpty(vBlockDef) Then
For i = 0 To UBound(vBlockDef)
Set swBlockDef = vBlockDef(i)
vBlockInst = swBlockDef.GetInstances
vNote = swBlockDef.GetNotes
If Not IsEmpty(vNote) Then
For j = 0 To UBound(vNote)
Set swNote = vNote(j)
NoteNumbersText = Trim(swNote.GetText)
If Left(NoteNumbersText, 1) = "n" And Len(NoteNumbersText) > 1 And Len(NoteNumbersText) < 4 Then
Set ThisAnnotation = swNote.GetAnnotation
'vPosition = swNote.GetAttachPos
vPosition = ThisAnnotation.GetPosition
Xpos = vPosition(0)
Ypos = vPosition(1)
Debug.Print ("Note " & NoteNumbersText & ": " & Xpos & "," & Ypos)
End If
Next j
End If
Next i
End If
Set LocalView = LocalView.GetNextView
Next x
End Sub