我有一个名为 Part 的带注释的实体。它由一个“id”和一些其他变量组成。我有另一个名为“bomdefinitions”的表。该表有三列(数量、父级、目标)(我知道目标是一个愚蠢的名称,但我无法更改它,因为数据库已经存在)。这个想法是一个 Part 可以由许多其他部分组成,也可以在许多其他部分中使用,并且表“bomdefinitions”说明了哪个父级与它相关联的“目标”以及它使用了多少。
问题是,如果我注释掉 Part.java 中的 OneToMany 关系之一并保留另一个,它工作正常,但如果我在我的代码中同时拥有它们,尝试访问它们中的任何一个都会导致 Hibernate 查询的无限循环.
我可以找到将实体映射到自身的示例,使用带有额外列的连接表映射实体的示例,以及进行注释的各种方法的示例,但在单个应用程序中没有做所有这些,以及我的各个示例can find 似乎在这里没有帮助。
任何在 Hibernate 方面有更多经验的人对我做错了什么有任何想法?
getHibernateTemplate().get(Part.class, id).getParentBomDefinitions();
这是输出中的查询 - 它以:
Hibernate: select part0_.id as id0_3_, childbomde1_.target as target0_5_, childbomde1_.parent as parent5_, childbomde1_.target as target5_, childbomde1_.parent as parent4_0_, childbomde1_.target as target4_0_, childbomde1_.qty as qty4_0_, part2_.id as id0_1_ from parts part0_ left outer join bomdefinitions childbomde1_ on part0_.id=childbomde1_.target left outer join parts part2_ on childbomde1_.parent=part2_.id
Hibernate: select parentbomd0_.parent as parent0_2_, parentbomd0_.parent as parent2_, parentbomd0_.target as target2_, parentbomd0_.parent as parent4_1_, parentbomd0_.target as target4_1_, parentbomd0_.qty as qty4_1_, part1_.id as id0_0_ from bomdefinitions parentbomd0_ left outer join parts part1_ on parentbomd0_.target=part1_.id where parentbomd0_.parent=?
Hibernate: select parentbomd0_.parent as parent0_2_, parentbomd0_.parent as parent2_, parentbomd0_.target as target2_, parentbomd0_.parent as parent4_1_, parentbomd0_.target as target4_1_, parentbomd0_.qty as qty4_1_, part1_.id as id0_0_ from bomdefinitions parentbomd0_ left outer join parts part1_ on parentbomd0_.target=part1_.id where parentbomd0_.parent=?
Hibernate: select childbomde0_.target as target0_2_, childbomde0_.parent as parent2_, childbomde0_.target as target2_, childbomde0_.parent as parent4_1_, childbomde0_.target as target4_1_, childbomde0_.qty as qty4_1_, part1_.id as id0_0_ from bomdefinitions childbomde0_ left outer join parts part1_ on childbomde0_.parent=part1_.id where childbomde0_.target=?
BomDefinition.java(几乎取自“Java Persistence with Hibernate”)
@Table(name = "bomdefinitions")
public class BomDefinition {
public static class Id implements Serializable {
@Column(name = "target")
private String targetId;
@Column(name = "parent")
private String parentId;
public Id() {}
public Id(String targetId, String parentId) {
this.targetId = targetId;
this.parentId = parentId;
public boolean equals(Object o) {
if (o != null && o instanceof Id) {
Id that = (Id) o;
return this.targetId.equals(that.targetId) && this.parentId.equals(that.parentId);
} else {
return false;
public int hashCode() {
return targetId.hashCode() + parentId.hashCode();
private Id id = new Id();
@Column(name = "qty")
private String quantity;
@JoinColumn(name = "parent",
insertable = false,
updatable = false)
private Part parent;
@JoinColumn(name = "target",
insertable = false,
updatable = false)
private Part child;
public BomDefinition() {}
public BomDefinition(String quantity, Part parent, Part child) {
this.quantity = quantity;
this.parent = parent;
this.child = child;
this.id.parentId = parent.getId();
this.id.targetId = child.getId();
// Getters and Setters
@Table(name="parts", uniqueConstraints = {@UniqueConstraint(columnNames = {"id"})})
public class Part implements Serializable {
protected final Logger log = Logger.getLogger(getClass());
private String id;
// *** other variables ***
public Part() {}
public Part(String id, /* other variables */) {
this.id = id;
// *** other variables ***
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
public String getId() {
return this.id;
public void setId(String id) {
this.id = id;
private Set parentBomDefinitions = new HashSet(0);
private Set childBomDefinitions = new HashSet(0);
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "parent",
targetEntity = BomDefinition.class,
cascade = {CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.MERGE},
fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
public Set getParentBomDefinitions() {
return parentBomDefinitions;
public void setParentBomDefinitions(Set<BomDefinition> parentBomDefinitions) {
this.parentBomDefinitions = parentBomDefinitions;
@OneToMany(mappedBy = "child", // target?
targetEntity = BomDefinition.class,
cascade = {CascadeType.PERSIST, CascadeType.MERGE},
fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
public Set getChildBomDefinitions() {
return childBomDefinitions;
public void setChildBomDefinitions(Set childBomDefinitions) {
this.childBomDefinitions = childBomDefinitions;