我正在使用 MATLAB Builder NE 来实现互操作性,以便从作为开源应用程序ClearCanvas的插件构建的 C# .NET 程序调用 MATLAB 函数。当我从 .NET 程序正常运行代码时,我通常(但不总是)收到错误消息
MWMCR::EvaluateFunction 错误 ... 引用元胞数组的不存在元素。=> ComputeT1Maps.m 第 178 行出错。
有问题的 MATLAB 代码行如下:
seriesHeader = currentSlab.Slice{1}.MetaData{1}.Header;
Header 是 MATLAB 的 dicominfo 函数给出的形式的结构,而 MetaData{n} 是包含第 n 个图像文件的文件名和图像头结构的结构。
ComputeT1Maps 函数的函数签名是:
function ComputeT1Maps(data, options)
为了找出这个错误,我在 ComputeT1Maps 函数的开头添加了以下行以保留状态,这样我就可以看到从 .NET 传递给 MATLAB 的值:
save(fullfile('F:\MATLAB\T1Mapping', 'T1_debug.mat'), 'data', 'options', ...
'-mat', '-v7.3');
因此,保留了这个函数的输入(从调用它的 .NET 程序接收),然后我尝试在加载保存的变量后从交互式 MATLAB 会话运行我的 ComputeT1Maps 函数,这样我就可以利用 MATLAB 的调试工具来计算找出我收到错误的原因。这时候事情就变得非常奇怪了。该函数在交互式 MATLAB 会话中工作得很好,当给定的操作数与从我的 .NET 程序调用它时给出的完全相同的操作数时。怎么会这样?从 C# .NET 调用该函数时如何会失败,但在交互式 MATLAB 会话中给出完全相同的输入时如何正确运行?此外,这个相同的代码以前可以工作,并且在我将本地安装的 MATLAB 和 MCR 更新到最新版本 (2011b) 之后才开始发生错误。
在 .NET 端,data
传递给 MATLAB 的 由以下函数构造:
public void ExchangeData(MultidimensionalDataCollection mdc, string outputPath, bool generateAncillaryTestImages,
bool excludeAcquisitions, double[] exclusionList, bool showProgressBar, bool displayComputedImages,
bool pauseAtEachSlice, bool softwareDiagnostics, bool displayProgressBar)
int subspaceIndex = 0;
int slabIndex = 0;
int sliceIndex = 0;
int imageIndex = 0;
MWStructArray topLevelGrouping;
MWCellArray geometricSubspaceList;
MWStructArray geometricGrouping;
MWCellArray slabList;
MWStructArray slabGrouping;
MWCellArray sliceList;
MWStructArray sliceGrouping;
MWCellArray imageMetaData;
MWStructArray perImageData;
MWArray[] result;
MWLogicalArray successFlag;
MWStructArray header;
MWCellArray sopInstanceUids;
MWStructArray t1MapOptions;
topLevelGrouping = new MWStructArray(1, 1, new string[] { "GeometricSubspace",
"GeometricSubspaceCount" });
topLevelGrouping["GeometricSubspaceCount", 1] = mdc.Count;
geometricSubspaceList = new MWCellArray(1, mdc.Count);
subspaceIndex = 0;
foreach (GeometricSubspace subspace in mdc)
geometricGrouping = new MWStructArray(1, 1, new string[] { "Slab",
"SlabCount" });
geometricGrouping["SlabCount", 1] = subspace.Count;
slabList = new MWCellArray(1, subspace.Count);
slabIndex = 0;
foreach (Slab slab in subspace)
slabGrouping = new MWStructArray(1, 1, new string[] { "Slice",
"SliceCount" });
slabGrouping["SliceCount", 1] = slab.Count;
sliceList = new MWCellArray(1, slab.Count);
sliceIndex = 0;
foreach (Slice slice in slab)
sliceGrouping = new MWStructArray(1, 1, new string[] {
"ImageCount", "MetaData", "MultidimensionalPixelData",
"SliceLocation", "SopInstanceUids" });
sliceGrouping["ImageCount", 1] = slice.Count;
imageMetaData = new MWCellArray(1, slice.Count);
int rows, columns;
short[,,,] multidimensionalPixelData = null;
imageIndex = 0;
foreach (Image image in slice)
short[,] imageMatrix = null;
if (!image.ImageSopClass.DicomUid.Equals(DicomUids.MRImageStorage))
throw new NotSupportedException("SopClass " + image.ImageSopClass.Name + " is not supported.");
DicomUncompressedPixelData rawPixelData = image.PixelData;
imageMatrix = GetCCImageMatrix(rawPixelData, out rows, out columns);
if (imageIndex == 1)
multidimensionalPixelData = new short[slice.Count, 1, columns, rows];
for (int i = 0; i < rows; i++)
for (int j = 0; j < columns; j++)
// Remember that C# array indices start with 0 while in MATLAB they start with 1
multidimensionalPixelData[imageIndex - 1, 0, i, j] = imageMatrix[i, j];
perImageData = new MWStructArray(1, 1, new string[] { "FileName", "Header" });
perImageData["FileName", 1] = image.FileName;
result = _mlT1Mapping.QT1GetDicomHeader(2, image.FileName);
if (result == null)
throw new Exception("GetDicomHeader failed to read the header file for filename: " +
// MWStructArray
successFlag = (MWLogicalArray)result[0];
bool[] headerObtained = successFlag.ToVector();
if (headerObtained[0])
header = (MWStructArray)result[1];
perImageData["Header", 1] = header;
imageMetaData[1, imageIndex] = perImageData;
Console.WriteLine("GetDicomHeader failed to read the header file for filename: " +
sliceList[1, sliceIndex] = sliceGrouping;
sliceGrouping["MetaData", 1] = imageMetaData;
sliceGrouping["SliceLocation", 1] = slice.SliceLocation;
List<string> theSops = slice._sopList;
sopInstanceUids = new MWCellArray(1, slice._sopList.Count);
int count = 0;
foreach (string sop in theSops)
sopInstanceUids[1, count] = sop;
sliceGrouping["SopInstanceUids", 1] = sopInstanceUids;
sliceGrouping["MultidimensionalPixelData", 1] = (MWNumericArray)multidimensionalPixelData;
slabList[1, slabIndex] = slabGrouping;
slabGrouping["Slice", 1] = sliceList;
geometricSubspaceList[1, subspaceIndex] = geometricGrouping;
geometricGrouping["Slab", 1] = slabList;
topLevelGrouping["GeometricSubspace", 1] = geometricSubspaceList;
t1MapOptions = new MWStructArray(1, 1, new string[] { "DirectoryPath",
"ComputeDifferenceImages", "ComputeMultiplicationImages", "DisplayComputedImages", "PauseAtEachSlice",
"SoftwareDiagnostics", "DisplayProgressBar"
t1MapOptions["DirectoryPath"] = (MWCharArray)outputPath;
t1MapOptions["SaveS0Maps"] = (MWLogicalArray)generateAncillaryTestImages;
t1MapOptions["ExcludeAcquisitions"] = (MWLogicalArray)excludeAcquisitions;
t1MapOptions["ExclusionList"] = (MWNumericArray)exclusionList;
t1MapOptions["DisplayComputedImages"] = (MWLogicalArray)displayComputedImages;
t1MapOptions["PauseAtEachSlice"] = (MWLogicalArray)pauseAtEachSlice;
t1MapOptions["SoftwareDiagnostics"] = (MWLogicalArray)softwareDiagnostics;
t1MapOptions["DisplayProgressBar"] = (MWLogicalArray)displayProgressBar;
_mlT1Mapping.ComputeT1Maps(topLevelGrouping, t1MapOptions);
catch (Exception)