我建议在您的数据库中创建一系列用户组,每个用户组中都有一个或多个用户帐户级别,然后将整数作为分层值分配给组,然后对组中的各个帐户级别执行相同操作,像这样(这是一个关系结构,使用 InnoDB):
table: account_groups (Broader account groupings)
-id_key - primary key, auto number
-group - unique index
-parent - index, foreign key=account_groups.group (this allows you to create group trees, so you can specify that a county group belongs to a state, and a municipality belongs to a county group, etc.)
-group_hierarchy - integer (0 is highest permission group, each subsequent one step lower)
table: account_levels (Account levels within a group)
-id_key - primary key, auto number
-account_level - unique index
-group - index, foreign key=account_groups.group
-account_heirarchy - integer (same as other table but denotes heirarchy within the group
table: user_accounts (Individual user accounts)
-id_key - primary key, auto number
-account_id - unique index, user account name
-account_level - index, foreign key=account_levels.account_level
table: user_groups (denotes which tree(s) the user has access to)
-id_key - primary key, auto number
-account_id - index, foreign key=user_accounts.account_id
-group - index, foreign key=account_groups.group
table: permissions (directory of permissions that could be applied)
-id_key - primary key, auto number
-permission - unique index, permission identifier
-other stuff you need associated with the individual permissions, based on how you want them to hook into your program
table: permissions_group_permissions (permissions applied at group level)
-id_key - primary key, auto number
-group - index, foreign key=account_groups.group
-permission - index, foreign key= permissions.permission
table: permissions_account_permissions (permissions applied at account level)
-id_key - primary key, auto number
-account_type - index, foreign key=account_levels.account_level
-permission - index, foreign key=permissions.permission
table: permissions_individual_permissions (permissions applied to individual accounts, if neccessary)
-id_key - primary key, auto number
-account_id - index, foreign key=user_accounts.account_id
-permission - index, foreign key=permissions.permission
-allow_or_deny - boolean (TRUE means permission is granted, FALSE means permission if revoked. This allows you to fine tune individual accounts, either granting custom elevated permissions, or revoking individual permissions for troublesome accounts without demoting them from the group. This can be useful in some special circumstances)
-expiration - timestamp (allows you to set expiration dates for permissions, like if you want to temporarily suspend a specific action. Programmatically set default value of 00/00/00 00:00:00 as indefinite. You can do this at the account and group levels too by adding this field to those tables.)
然后,您可以使用 php 来迭代单个帐户的权限,方法是首先获取与帐户级别关联的组,按层次顺序制作每个后续组的数组,然后迭代当前组的层次顺序(添加作为多维数组到组数组)从组内的当前帐户级别到组内的最后一个现有帐户级别。接下来,您将获取每个后续组的所有帐户级别,最后获取已添加到数组中的每个帐户级别的所有关联权限。如果您实现单个用户权限,则需要在您的权限数组中附加单独应用的权限,最后从您的数组中删除其 allow_or_deny 字段设置为 FALSE 的所有权限。如果用户需要访问多个树,您可以在 account_groups 表中添加一条与他们的帐户 ID 匹配的记录,表示他们有权访问的树的最高级别是什么,然后遍历树中的所有后续组。要向帐户授予所有适用权限,请从 user_groups 中获取 account_id 的所有组关联,然后为每个树运行前面描述的过程。如果他们只能访问一棵树,您甚至不需要使用 user_groups 表。从 user_groups 中获取 account_id 的所有组关联,然后为每棵树运行前面描述的过程。如果他们只能访问一棵树,您甚至不需要使用 user_groups 表。从 user_groups 中获取 account_id 的所有组关联,然后为每棵树运行前面描述的过程。如果他们只能访问一棵树,您甚至不需要使用 user_groups 表。
an example of how the structure fits your model:
group: USA, hierarchy = 0
group: California, parent-> USA, hierarchy = 1
group: Los Angeles, parent->California, hierarchy = 2
group: Texas, parent->USA, hierarchy = 1
group: Dallas, parent->Texas, hierarchy = 2
account levels:
admin, hierarchy=0
manager, hierarchy=1
analyst, hierarchy=2
staff member, hierarchy=3
user accounts:
Bob, manager (likes to spam junk email to everyone)
您仍然可以通过将电子邮件权限添加到 permissions_individual_permissions 并将 allow_or_deny 值设置为 FALSE 来撤销 Bob 的电子邮件权限。这使您可以阻止 Bob 发送垃圾邮件,而不会将他从管理层中降级。
example PHP array:
groups=>array(), //Step 1: array_push each group the account is a member of here. Repeat for each tree from user_groups.
account_levels=>array(), //Step 2: loop through $account[groups], array_push each level here
permissions=>array(), //Step 3: loop through $account[account_levels], array_push each permission here. Then do the same for individual permissions applied to the account
restrictions=>array() //Step 4: loop through individual permissions where allow_or_deny=FALSE, array_push here (do the same for group and account level if you implemented restrictions for those tables as well). Tell your program to ignore permissions from this array, even if the account would otherwise have them.