We are using HornetQ as JMS provider in JBoss 5.1 EAP and in general we are quite satisfied with HornetQs performance.

HornetQ dropped data replication support in 2.2.2 silently. Now, we have problems creating a HA solution with JBoss and HornetQ as the present HornetQ failover strategies aren't reliable. For example, clients have problems to reconnect to the HornetQ after the master is back online. Messages are stored in a store-and-forward queue when using a round-robin strategy and this leads to undelivered messages in a case of a node shutdown.

HornetQ is evolving, but without data replication no serious solution for a productive environment.

Which JMS provider support real production safe HA and failover capabilities in conjunction with good performance, monitoring and of course JBoss 5 interoperability?


1 回答 1


我们一直在使用 GFS 支持我们的用户,这将比复制更可靠,因为它保证单例实例在生命周期和备份之间随时运行。


我们将支持复制,但恕我直言,共享存储是大多数情况下的最佳解决方案。唯一不正确的情况是无法投资支持 GFS 的磁盘(或任何其他共享和高可用磁盘)。


于 2011-09-20T14:14:20.190 回答