Im using Apache HttpClient from HttpComponents projects. I have added custom trust and key managers to it to handle two-way authentication (my trust manager accepts everything and my key manager sends always the same client certificate).
I send two following requests:
1. Get /resource.html (this one redirects to sth.dll using http-equiv="Refresh" meta tag)
2. Get /scripts/sth.dll

I do this to emulate IE8 behaviour which was use to connect to sth.dll service (and it works). If I ty to connect to sth.dll service directly (either using browser or httpclient) I get 500 error: cannot find the path specified. Unfortunately I still get 500 error when I use the above method with manual redirec

My question is what else I need to emulate to get this service working?
Is it possible that the problem lies in the fact that IE reuses data from handshake done in 1 request and my httpclient do two handshakes? If yes then how to force httpclient to reuse ssl informaton

I do not have access to server and the possibility to ask service providers for help (because they only support access through ie8). The server is IIS/6.0. There are no visible cookies (I used Fiddler to get info on traffic from IE8).

Can anybody give me some new idea on where to look ?


1 回答 1



当浏览器首次连接到服务器时,会创建 HTTP 会话。它的 ID 作为特殊的 cookie 返回给客户端。例如,对于基于 java 的服务器,它是jsessionid. 然后客户端在产生更多请求时发送厨师。一探究竟。你也应该这样做。我希望,如果您在第二个请求中发送 cookie(获取 dll),一切都会正常。


于 2011-09-20T12:43:50.323 回答