我正在尝试使用 secionIndexer 在列表视图中快速滚动。我已经实现了,但是在滚动列表时它应该弹出我们滚动的当前字母,但它没有显示出来。

在调试模式下,我知道在我的情况下从未调用 getSectipons() 和 getPositionForSection() ,但在我从 web 尝试的任何其他简单示例中,它确实调用了这些函数。

Pelase 建议我该怎么做 //################## 这是我的适配器的代码


public class MyListAdapter extends ArrayAdapter<Object> implements SectionIndexer {

    Activity context;
    Object[] listData;
    HashMap<String, Integer> alphaIndexer;
    String[] sections;

    public MyListAdapter(Activity context, Object[] objects) {
        super(context, R.layout.new_invest_row, objects);
        this.context = context;
        listData = objects;
        alphaIndexer = new HashMap<String, Integer>();
        //changes here

         ArrayList myArrayList = new ArrayList();
           for (int ix=0; ix<objects.length; ix++) {

           Collections.sort(myArrayList, new Comparator<HashMap<String, String>>(){ 
                public int compare(HashMap<String, String> one, HashMap<String, String> two) { 
                    return one.get("Name").compareToIgnoreCase(two.get("Name"));

         listData = myArrayList.toArray();
        for (int i = listData.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
            final HashMap<String, String> obj = (HashMap<String, String>)listData[i];
            String element = obj.get("Name");
            alphaIndexer.put(element.substring(0, 1).toUpperCase(), i); 

        Set<String> keys = alphaIndexer.keySet(); // set of letters

        // Copy into a List for sorting
        Iterator<String> it = keys.iterator();
        ArrayList<String> keyList = new ArrayList<String>(); 
        while (it.hasNext()) {
            String key = it.next();

        // Convert to array
        sections = new String[keyList.size()];
        for(int c=0;c < sections.length;c++)Log.e("secction<"+c+">","+"+sections[c]);

    static class ViewHolder {
        TextView txtName;
        TextView txtOwner;
        TextView txtStartDate;
        TextView txtEndDate;
        TextView txtStatus;
        ImageView imgIcon;

    public View getView(int position, View convertView, ViewGroup parent) {

        final ViewHolder holder;
        View rowView = convertView;

        if (rowView == null) {
            LayoutInflater inflater = context.getLayoutInflater();
            rowView = inflater.inflate(R.layout.new_invest_row, null, true);
            holder = new ViewHolder();
            **holder.txtName = (TextView) rowView.findViewById(R.id.invest_row_name);**
//my custom code here

        } else {
            holder = (ViewHolder) rowView.getTag();

        final HashMap<String, String> obj = (HashMap<String, String>)listData[position];

        String str = obj.get("Name");
        if(null == str){
            str = "";

               //my custom code here

        return rowView;

    public int getPositionForSection(int section) {
        String letter = sections[section];

        return alphaIndexer.get(letter);

    public int getSectionForPosition(int arg0) {
        // TODO Auto-generated method stub
        return 1;

    public Object[] getSections() {
        return sections;


我假设在适配器中,当我传递 textViewId 时,它不会使用当前的 textVewId,因为 sectionIndexer 函数永远不会被调用。

在布局new_invest_row我得到自定义行,其中有一个图标和几个 textViews。我根据我在每一行中显示的对象的名称对列表进行排序。我希望索引器处理对象的名称。



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