我正在构建一个供个人使用的小 HTA,并且希望能够将文件拖放到界面中。一旦文件被删除,我要么自动运行它(假设它符合我设置的一些参数,比如文件扩展名),要么至少填写 HTA 界面上的输入框。



6 回答 6


Tomalak,在他的声明中是不正确的......除了你必须在注册表中为 HTA 文件添加 DropHandler 之外,你可以做你想做的事,这很容易做到,一旦完成,你就可以做你想做的事去做。我找不到太多关于它的文档,但这是一个很久以前由一个名叫 Michel Gallant 的人编写的 HTA 的链接,它向您展示了如何使用它:https ://www.jensign.com/www /wsh/成像器/

当 HTA 启动时,它会查看您是否已经配置了 DropHandler。如果您不这样做,它会为您提供为您配置它的选项。配置完成后,您只需关闭并重新打开 HTA 和 wallah,即可在 HTA 文件中提供拖放支持。

于 2009-04-15T20:38:02.533 回答

如果您不想启用 drop 处理程序,我可以想象一种可能的方式。这有点像喜剧连锁店,但如果我被逼到角落并需要该功能,我可以看到自己实现了这一点。

您可以创建一个 IFRAME,它的 src 作为某个临时文件夹。此文件夹将显示为资源管理器视图。然后,您可以将文件拖入其中。针对该文件夹设置轮询例程以查看是否有任何新文件。瞧,你有一种蹩脚的方式来支持给定文件的拖放操作。

于 2009-07-16T17:11:23.667 回答


你甚至可以在 hta 中使用 mysql。

Google Gears 在 hta 中不可用,但是,您可以在 html 文件中创建 activexobject,然后使用iframe(<iframe application="true" src=".."></iframe>)


于 2010-03-11T07:08:11.757 回答

关于 …


…我将其解释为希望将文件拖放到 HTA 的运行窗口,而不是将文件拖放到 HTA 文件本身或其快捷方式上。

使用 HTML5,丢弃本身很容易。使用例如<div>元素作为放置区域。为此元素处理事件dragenter和。例如,drop 处理程序可能如下所示:dragoverdrop

function on_drop( e )
    e.preventDefault();  // stops the browser from redirecting off to the file
    var dt = e.dataTransfer

    var is_file_transfer = false;
    for( var i = 0; i < dt.types.length; ++i )
        if( dt.types[i].toLowerCase() == 'files' )
            is_file_transfer = true;
    if( !is_file_transfer )
        return false;
    on_files_dropped( dt.files );
    return true;



var dropbox = document.getElementById( 'blah' );
dropbox.addEventListener( 'dragenter', on_dragenter, false );
dropbox.addEventListener( 'dragover', on_dragover, false );
dropbox.addEventListener( 'drop', on_drop, false );


但是,安全性有一个限制:您无法直接了解原始文件路径,只能了解文件名和文件大小。因为此功能是为 Web 设计的,而不是为本地受信任的 HTML 应用程序设计的。所以它可能是也可能不是问题。

  • 为了将拖放的文件用作 HTML 元素的,并且通常用于读取拖放的文件,HTML5 提供了一个FileReader(有许多可用的教程,它们进一步链接到技术文档)。

  • 如果需要本地路径,例如在 Windows Mediaplayer 中播放文件,您可以假设拖动操作源自 Windows 资源管理器,现在也称为文件资源管理器,然后只需检查哪个资源管理器窗口(如果有)包含具有该文件的文件名称和大小。


var shell   = new ActiveXObject( "Shell.Application" );
var fso     = new ActiveXObject( "Scripting.FileSystemObject" );

function possible_paths_for( filename )
    var windows     = shell.windows();      // Windows Explorer windows.
    var n_windows   = windows.Count;

    var lowercase_filename = filename.toLowerCase();
    var paths = Array();
    for( var i = 0; i < n_windows; ++i )
        var url     = windows.Item(i).LocationURL;
        var path    = decodeURI( url.substr( 8 ) ).replace( /\//g, '\\' );
        // The path can be the path of this HTML application (.hta file), so:
        if( fso.FolderExists( path ) )
            var folder  = fso.GetFolder( path );
            for( var it = new Enumerator( folder.Files ); !it.atEnd(); it.moveNext() )
                var file = it.item();
                if( file.Name.toLowerCase() == lowercase_filename )
                    paths.push( file.Path.toLowerCase() );
    return paths;

基本上就是这样。除了,也许,因为 HTA 默认为 IE7,如何获得 HTML5 功能。可以通过 doctype 声明,但到目前为止,在我的小实验中,我只使用以下内容:

        <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8"/>
        <!-- A windows web control defaults to quirky IE7 semantics. Request for better: -->
        <meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">
        <meta http-equiv="MSThemeCompatible" content="yes">

这为您提供了最新的 Internet Explorer 引擎,但代价是没有HTA元素,因此无法直接访问命令行。我发现可以通过运行 Windows 的wmic程序来检索命令行,但这是一个可怕的 hack。这整个问题区域,大多数显然开放的道路最终被关闭,似乎是微软现在将 HTA 视为一种遗留技术的结果,将悄悄地逐步淘汰,转而支持全屏广告的 Windows 8 AppStore 应用程序


于 2014-03-31T21:26:18.380 回答

我可以确认可以使用“ Web 浏览器”在 HTA 窗口中获得文件和文件夹的拖放功能(无需使用任何第三方 ActiveX 对象、HTML5 或注册表操作)。

它的“RegisterAsDropTarget”参数打开允许这样的操作,而“Web 浏览器”本身是内置在自 XP 或 2000 以来的每个 Windows 中默认情况下。这样,它适用于以任何语言环境命名的输入文件(Unicode 名称支持),而例如,WScript 和 CScript 默认情况下不支持此功能。

下面是一个作为独立组件实现的示例,具有许多自定义功能,包括样式和背景。它适用于 64 位和 32 位文件夹路径,并且可以插入到特定窗口的 DOM 树中。


Extended Drop Target v1.1.4 (https://tastyscriptsforfree.wix.com/page/scripts)
Copyright 2017-2020 Vladimir Samarets. All rights reserved.

Release date: November 9, 2020.

Use this script sample entirely at your own risk.
This script sample is copyrighted freeware and I am not responsible for any damage or data loss it could unintentionally cause.
You may modify it but please leave a comment with direct link to https://tastyscriptsforfree.wix.com/page/scripts in that case.

offscreenBuffering = true;                                                                                       //postpone the application window appearance till its UI is ready
var O = function(o){return new ActiveXObject(o);},
WSS = O('WScript.Shell'),
env = WSS.Environment('Process'),
head = document.documentElement.firstChild,                                                      //head
PID;                                                                                                                         //PID of 64 bit HTA instance

if(!env('is64bit'))                                                                                                      //indicates whether the application is launched as 64 bit or not
    !function hide(e){try{moveTo(10000, 10000);}catch(e){try{hide();}catch(e){hide();}}}();                                  //hiding the application window
    head.insertBefore(document.createElement('<hta:application showInTaskBar=0>'), head.firstChild);        //hiding the application in the Taskbar

    var WMI=                                                                                                            //a small library written by me for obtaining WMI instance, its common methods and properties
    {                                                                                                                           //below is a sample of creating a process with certain window shifts and environment variables
                                                                                                                                //and obtaining its <ProcessId> by using WMI
        SWL:new ActiveXObject('WbemScripting.SWbemLocator'),
            var s = WMI.PS.SpawnInstance_();
            for(var i in p)
                s[i] = p[i];
            return s;
        Create:function(c, s, d)
            var CreateIn = WMI.CreateIn.SpawnInstance_();
            CreateIn.CommandLine = c;
            CreateIn.ProcessStartupInformation = s;
            CreateIn.CurrentDirectory = d;
            return WMI.PRC.ExecMethod_('Create', CreateIn).ProcessId;
    WMI.PRC = (WMI.WM = WMI.SWL.ConnectServer('.', 'root/cimv2')).Get('Win32_Process');
    WMI.PS = WMI.WM.Get('Win32_ProcessStartup');
    WMI.CreateIn = WMI.PRC.Methods_('Create').InParameters;

    var ID = O('Scriptlet.TypeLib').GUID.substr(0, 38),                                             //the unique ID obtaining
    EV = 'is64bit='+ID;                                                                                              //passing the unique ID to 64 bit HTA instance as an Environment variable
    for(var items = new Enumerator(env); !items.atEnd(); items.moveNext())
        EV += '?' + items.item();                                                                                  //obtaining all Environment variables for current process

    PID = WMI.Create                                                                                               //obtaining PID of 64 bit HTA instance
            'mshta "' + decodeURIComponent(location.pathname) + '"',                     //current path
                    X:10000, Y:10000,                                                                              //hiding the application window before it is shown in order to resize it smoothly
                        EV.split('?')                                                                                      //obtaining an array of all Environment variables by using this approach is universal for different
                                                                                                                                //versions of Windows
                        [                                                                                                       //another way to pass certain Environment variables
                            'is64bit='+ID,                                                                              //indicates that the application is launched as 64 bit
                            'SystemRoot='+env('SystemRoot'),                                           //for start
                            'SystemDrive='+env('SystemDrive'),                                         //for hyperlinks
                            'TEMP='+env('TEMP'),                                                                //for "mailto" links
                            'CommonProgramW6432='+env('CommonProgramW6432')     //for ADODB.Stream

    head.firstChild.insertAdjacentHTML('afterEnd', '<object id=' + ID + ' PID=' + PID +
        ' classid=clsid:8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2><param name=RegisterAsBrowser value=1>');      //registering current HTA window in collection of windows

    showModalDialog('javascript:for(var ws=new ActiveXObject("Shell.Application").Windows(),i=ws.Count;i-->0;)if((w=ws.Item(i))&&w.id=="'+ID+'"){w.s=document.Script;break;}', 0,
        'dialogWidth:0;unadorned:1;');                                                                       //silent stop of the script and obtaining window focus for "AppActivate"
    close();onerror=function(){close();};throw 0;                                                     //declining any further attempts of executing the rest statements of the code

var w,dt=new Date();
head.insertBefore(document.createElement('<hta:application contextMenu=no selection=no scroll=no>'), head.firstChild);      //adding custom HTA header dynamically
document.title='Extended Drop Target';
resizeTo(800, 400);
for(var ws = O('Shell.Application').Windows(), i = ws.Count; i -- > 0;)
    if((w = ws.Item(i)) && w.id == env('is64bit'))
        PID = w.PID;
        w.document.Script.WSS.AppActivate(PID);                                                                                                                            //using "WScript.Shell" in focus to activate
                                                                                                                                                                                                          //the application window of 64 bit HTA instance;
                                                                                                                                                                                                          //remember that "WScript.Shell" should be
                                                                                                                                                                                                          //in focus in order "AppActivate" to work properly

document.write('<body>');                                                                                      //obtaining body
if(w && w.id == env('is64bit'))
    w.s.close();                                                                                                         //closing previous 32 bit HTA instance while being in safe focus

document.body.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Debug screen (for test purposes only):'));
document.body.appendChild(document.createElement('<textarea id=result cols=85 rows=5>'));
document.body.appendChild(document.createTextNode('Extended Drop Target:'));

        function createDropTarget(doc, filesAllowed, foldersAllowed, dTStyle, hdFont, wMColor, dMColor, pMColor, eMColor, process, resolve, msg, dBgImage, bBgImage,
            description, redirect)
            var dropTarget = doc.createElement('<span style="' + dTStyle + '">'),

            ms = dropTarget.appendChild
                doc.createElement('<span style="width:100%;height:100%;padding:10px;overflow:hidden;">')
            ),                                                                                                                  //message screen that hides Web Browser during dropped items processing

            WB = '<object classid=clsid:8856F961-340A-11D0-A96B-00C04FD705A2 style="width:100%;height:100%;"><param name=Location value="about:<body onload=\'b=0;\'' +
                ' ondragover=(function(){clearTimeout(b);b=setTimeout(\'location.reload();\',100);}()) bgColor=' + dMColor +
                ' style=\'width:100%;height:100%;position:absolute;margin:0;border:0;overflow:hidden;\'>'+ (description || '') +'">',
            processing = 1,                                                                                           //indicates whether a dropped item processing is started or not
            processed = 1,                                                                                            //indicates whether a dropped item is processed or not
            DBcatched = 1,                                                                                            //indicates whether DownloadBegin Web Browser event has been catched or not
            allowed,                                                                                                       //indicates whether drop target is allowed or not
            allowedText = (filesAllowed ? foldersAllowed ? msg[32] : msg[33] : foldersAllowed ? msg[34] : ''),      //"Drop a file or folder here."
            WBTReset,                                                                                                  //timeout for Web Browser reset

            startProcessing = function(p)                                                                      //processing the item path received after item drop (item path)
                dropTarget.children[processed = 1].removeNode();
                    var delay = 0;
                    if(p)                                                                                                      //the item can be accessed
                        sM(msg[38] + p + '</div>', pMColor);                                              //show "Processing"
                        var dt = new Date(),                                                                         //date before processing
                        e;                                                                                                     //error ID
                        try{e = process(p);}catch(e){e = 43;}                                               //unknown error occured
                        dt = new Date() - dt;                                                                         //date after processing
                        delay += dt>1000 ? 0 : 1000 - dt;
                        if(!e)                                                                                                 //no errors occured
                            setTimeout(function(){sM(msg[39] + createDropTarget.timeToHMSR(dt) + ' =-</div>', pMColor);}, delay);       //show "Processed in"
                        else                                                                                                 //an error occured
                            var err;
                            setTimeout(function(){sM(msg[39] + createDropTarget.timeToHMSR(dt) + ' =-</div><br>' + msg[e], eMColor);}, delay);      //show "Processed in" with error
                                delay += 1000;
                    else                                                                                                     //the item can't be accessed
                        sM(msg[40] + msg[41] + allowedText + msg[42], eMColor);          //show "The item is not a file or folder, can't be accessed or its size is too big."
                        delay += 1000;

                    sDM(delay + 1000);
                }, 1000);

            setWBTReset = function(r)                                                                          //setting a timeout for Web Browser reset (reset)
                    processing = 1;
                    ms.style.display = '';
                        WBTReset = setTimeout(startProcessing, 1000);

            DB = function()                                                                                            //catching "DownloadBegin" Web Browser event
                DBcatched = 1;

            STC = function(p)                                                                                         //catching "StatusTextChange" Web Browser event (item path)
                if(!processed && /file:|</.test(p))
                        startProcessing(filesAllowed ? decodeURIComponent(p).replace(/.+:((?:\/{3})|(?=\/{2}))(.+)...$/,'$2').replace(/\//g,'\\') : 0);
                    else if(/</.test(p))
                        if(!DBcatched)                                                                                  //indicates that drop target is leaved without drop
                            processed = 1;
                            sM(msg[31] + allowedText + msg[35] + '</div>', dMColor, dBgImage);      //show "Drop a file or folder here."
                            allowed = 1;
                            ms.style.display = '';
                        else                                                                                                 //shortcuts with complex structure

            NC2 = function(o, p)                                                                                     //catching "NavigateComplete2" Web Browser event (Web Browser object, item path)
                    startProcessing(foldersAllowed && typeof p == 'string' && p.match(/^[^:]/) ? p : 0);

            NE = function()                                                                                             //catching "NavigateError" Web Browser event

            sM = function(m, c, bgImage)                                                                      //show message (message, background or text color, background image)
                if(dBgImage || bBgImage)
                        ms.style.backgroundImage = 'url(' + bgImage + ')';
                    ms.style.color = c;
                    ms.style.backgroundColor = c;
                m = '<div style="font:' + hdFont + ';">' + m;
                    ms.innerHTML = m;

            sDM = function(delay)                                                                                 //show default message (delay)
                setTimeout(function(){allowed = 1;}, delay);
                setTimeout(function(){if(allowed)sM((allowedText ? msg[31] + allowedText + msg[35] : msg[36]) + '</div>', dMColor, dBgImage);}, delay + 100);     //show "Drop a file or folder
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             //here." or "Drop Target is
            }                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                //disabled."

            sM(msg[30], wMColor, dBgImage);                                                             //show welcome message

                if(allowed && (filesAllowed || foldersAllowed) && !event.dataTransfer.getData('text'))      //text dropping is not allowed
                    return false;

            ms.ondragover = function()
                if(allowed && (filesAllowed || foldersAllowed) && !event.dataTransfer.getData('text'))      //text dropping is not allowed
                    if(!Math.abs(event.x - this.x) && !Math.abs(event.y - this.y))              //accepting only slow mouse motion
                        this.style.display = 'none';
                        DBcatched = allowed = processing = processed = 0;
                        sM(msg[37], dMColor, bBgImage);                                                 //show "Analysing..."
                    this.x = event.x;
                    this.y = event.y;
                    return false;

            !(createDropTarget = function()
                dropTarget.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeEnd', WB);
                    RegisterAsDropTarget = Silent = Offline = 1;
                    attachEvent('DownloadBegin', DB);
                    attachEvent('StatusTextChange', STC);
                    attachEvent('NavigateComplete2', NC2);
                    attachEvent('NavigateError', NE);

            createDropTarget.timeToHMSR = function(d)                                             //convert date to hours, minutes, seconds and remainder (milliseconds) notation (date)
                var r = d % 3600000,
                h = d / 3600000 ^ 0,                                                                                 //hours
                m = r / 60000 ^ 0,                                                                                     //minutes
                s = r % 60000 / 1000 ^ 0;                                                                         //seconds
                r = d % 1000;                                                                                           //remainder (milliseconds)
                return ((h ? h + 'h' : '') + (m ? (h ? ' ' : '') + m + 'm' : '') + (s ? (h || m ? ' ' : '') + s + 's' : '') + (r ? (h || m || s ? ' ' : '') + r + 'ms' : '')) || '0ms';

            sDM(3000);                                                                                                  //postponing Web Browser access while it generates its events at start

            return dropTarget;
            //BEGIN of Extended Drop Target custom settings

            document,                                                                                                   //"document" object of certain window
            1,                                                                                                                 //indicates whether processing of files is allowed or not
            1,                                                                                                                 //indicates whether processing of folders is allowed or not
            'width:350px;height:150px;border:2px blue solid;font:bold 10pt Arial;text-align:center;cursor:default;overflow:hidden;word-break:break-all;',       //drop target style
            'bold 12pt Tahoma',                                                                                    //message header font
            'yellow',                                                                                                       //welcome message background color if background image is not set or text color otherwise
            'mediumaquamarine',                                                                                 //default message background color if background image is not set or text color otherwise
            'limegreen',                                                                                                 //processing message background color if background image is not set or text color otherwise
            'salmon',                                                                                                     //error message background color if background image is not set or text color otherwise

            function(p)                                                                                                   //data processing sample (file or folder path)
                alert('Here goes data processing sample.\n\nProcessing:\n' + p);
                //throw 1;                                                                                                 //unknown error occured
                //return 1;                                                                                                //certain error 1 occured
                return 0;                                                                                                  //no errors

            function(e)                                                                                                   //error resolving sample (error ID)
                    case 1:
                        result.value = '\nCertain error 1 is catched.';                                  //additional action sample for certain error 1
                        result.value = '\nAn unknown error is catched.';                             //additional action sample for an unknown error
                file.Close();                                                                                              //built-in silent catching of errors if certain error resolving method is still inaccessible

            {                                                                                                                   //list of all messages for Extended Drop Target
                30: 'Welcome!</div><br>Hello World!',                                                 //welcome message
                31: 'Drop a ',                                                                                           //31, 32, 33, 34, 35 - "Drop a file or folder here."
                32: 'file or folder',
                33: 'file',
                34: 'folder',
                35: ' here.',
                36: 'Drop Target is disabled.',
                37: '-= Analysing... =-</div>',
                38: '-= Processing =-</div><br><div style="text-align:left;">',
                39: '-= Processed in ',
                40: "-= Can't be processed =-</div><br>",
                41: 'The item is not a ',                                                                           //41, 32, 33, 34, 42 - "The item is not a file or folder,<br>can't be accessed or its size is too big."
                42: ",<br>can't be accessed or its size is too big.",
                43: 'An unknown error occured.',                                                            //unknown error message
                1: 'Certain error 1 occured.'                                                                   //certain error 1 message
                                                                                                                                //certain error # message

            //,'C:\\Windows\\Web\\Screen\\img103.png'                                               //default background image or "undefined" (optional)
            //,'C:\\Windows\\Web\\Screen\\img102.jpg'                                                //busy mode background image or "undefined" (optional)

            //,'<div style=\'font:10pt Tahoma;padding:20px;\'>List of files supported by default.</div>'
                                                                                                                                //description length depends on the message language or its actual bytes count or "undefined" (optional)

            //,function(m){result.value = m;}                                                                  //sample for receiving messages or "undefined" (optional)

            //END of Extended Drop Target custom settings

result.value = '\nLoading time for 64 bit instance (if possible): ' + createDropTarget.timeToHMSR(new Date() - dt) + '.';
moveTo(screen.availWidth / 2 - 400, screen.availHeight / 2 - 200);

于 2020-11-10T13:18:45.087 回答

HTA 显然不能成为 shell 删除操作的目标——至少在我的系统上,在 HTA 上删除某些东西是不可能的。


但是,.vbs 可以是放置目标。已删除文件的完整路径可通过该WScript.Arguments.Unnamed集合获得。

HTA 可以通过commandLine Property访问它的命令行参数。这意味着您可以构建一个小的帮助程序 VBScript,将删除的文件转换为命令行并为您调用 HTA。

请注意,您不能在 .vbs 上删除无穷无尽的文件,命令行也不是无限的。在几 kB 的区域内会有一个长度限制(我没有试图找到确切的限制在哪里,只是准备面对一个限制。)

于 2009-04-14T16:33:07.620 回答