jBPM is focuses on BPMN, which is a graphical modelling notation for business process. On the other hand you can model business processes using BPEL (business process execution language).
BPEL is the de-facto standard for modeling executable Web services orchestrations. It is an XML-based language used for the definition and execution of business, as well as scientific work flows using Web services. WSO2 Business Process Server (WSO2 BPS) and Apache Orchestration Director Engine(ODE) are two WS-BPEL compliant business process executable work-flow engines, which support composition of Web services by orchestrating service interactions.
You can model business processes with asynchronous/synchronous external interractions.
Also the WS-BPEL specification supports your requirements you have mentioned and as well it provides some essential features for real-world business processes like compensation handling, fault handling etc.
You can use WSO2 Carbon Studio BPEL editor as the workflow editor which is provide functionality to model business processes with WS-BPEL 2.0 and BPEL4WS 1.1 easily.
Denis Weerasiri