

  • 例如,定制的 java 代码将处理数据,但我们稍后在其他进程中也需要该数据
  • 需要拆分进程,我的意思是我想在彼此旁边异步运行一些进程
  • 也同步点
  • 决策点:基于前一个过程的一些输出(只是退出代码,或者我可能会做一些接口,我们将实现对复杂数据进行一些检查等)我们需要有一个功能来决定从哪里继续
  • 也许我现在忘记了其他一些事情

我们将有一个复杂的 GUI,而且我们必须将工作流设计器放入我们的应用程序中。那么我的问题:

  1. jBPM 会支持我上面勾勒的东西吗?
  2. 如果几乎所有事情都可以完全用 jBPM 完成,我们能否以某种方式将设计器嵌入到我们的应用程序中?
  3. 如果 1. 或 2. 并非如此,有没有办法以编程方式自定义 jBPM 接口等等?我并没有真正找到如何以编程方式使用 jBPM 的教程



4 回答 4



  • Bonita 开放式解决方案 (http://www.bonitasoft.com/)
  • Activiti (http://www.activiti.org/)
  • JBoss Drools (http://www.jboss.org/drools) 和 jBPM (http://www.jboss.org/jbpm)
  • 工艺制造商 (http://www.processmaker.com/)
于 2011-09-20T10:33:12.623 回答

jBPM is focuses on BPMN, which is a graphical modelling notation for business process. On the other hand you can model business processes using BPEL (business process execution language).

BPEL is the de-facto standard for modeling executable Web services orchestrations. It is an XML-based language used for the definition and execution of business, as well as scientific work flows using Web services. WSO2 Business Process Server (WSO2 BPS) and Apache Orchestration Director Engine(ODE) are two WS-BPEL compliant business process executable work-flow engines, which support composition of Web services by orchestrating service interactions.

You can model business processes with asynchronous/synchronous external interractions. Also the WS-BPEL specification supports your requirements you have mentioned and as well it provides some essential features for real-world business processes like compensation handling, fault handling etc. You can use WSO2 Carbon Studio BPEL editor as the workflow editor which is provide functionality to model business processes with WS-BPEL 2.0 and BPEL4WS 1.1 easily.

Denis Weerasiri

于 2011-09-22T17:31:47.333 回答

快速浏览jBPM 文档,答案如下:

  • 对于自定义 Java 代码,您可以使用Script Task或创建例如 Web 服务并使用Service Task来调用它。
  • 对于拆分过程,您可以使用带有 AND 类型的Diverging Gateway 。
  • 用于加入 -带有 AND 类型的融合网关。
  • 可以使用具有 OR 类型的发散网关并对其应用约束来实现决策点。
  • 至于设计器,jBPM 有一个基于网络的设计器,它是基于开源项目的。您可以派生该源代码并将其应用于您的应用程序的需求,或者尝试使用某种 iframe 集成。
于 2011-09-20T08:44:23.670 回答

I think that jBPM5 fits perfectly for your use case. If you are a Java Developer, jBPM5 will allow you to do almost everything in a programatic way. If you want to model and design a complex scenario you can use the power of business processes in jBPM5 and Drools for the business logic side of your application making things more declarative and easy to understand. As Andrey mention you can embed the web designer in your application. Cheers

于 2011-09-21T12:53:06.473 回答