我正在尝试为 Progress 10.1b 设置 ODBC 客户端驱动程序。我能够安装所需的客户端软件,但显然还需要运行一个 ODBC.reg 脚本文件才能正确设置注册表,以便我使用 ODBC 驱动程序。
我正在尝试为 Progress 10.1b 设置 ODBC 客户端驱动程序。我能够安装所需的客户端软件,但显然还需要运行一个 ODBC.reg 脚本文件才能正确设置注册表,以便我使用 ODBC 驱动程序。
如果如您所说,客户端已正确安装,您只需要设置 DSN。以下内容应该有效(从 Progress Knowledge Center 窃取并稍作编辑):
启动 ODBC 数据源管理器(在管理工具文件夹中的控制面板中找到)
1. Select the System DSN tab
2. Select the Add button to the right
3. Select the MERANT 32-BIT Progress SQL-92 driver for your version of Progress.
4. Select Finish
这将打开新 DSN 的配置屏幕。
1. Data Source Name..... (whatever you choose)
2. Description.......(optional and whatever you think is appropriate)
3. Host Name......(the server where the database is located)
4. Port Number.... (the port your database broker was started with...if multiple
brokers..the SQL broker port)
5. Database Name....(database name you wish to connect to)
6. User ID...(the user you logged in with or if security is turned on..a user
that can connect to the database)
7. Leave all other tab settings at the defaults for the initial configuration.
8. Select the Apply button.
9. Select the Test Connect button.
10. Screen requesting a password pops up. (enter one only if the database
normally requires a user name and password from the 4GL side to enter the database)