Google 创建了协议缓冲区来替代庞大的 XML 数据转换方法。更快的 XML 处理还不够好。大多数网络已经成长为不同技术的大杂烩,这些技术已经集成在浏览器中工作或生成 html。JavaScript 与 HTML 是分开的。Flash 和 Silverlight 也加入了组合。我们可以使用我们拥有的工具完成工作,但我们能做得更好吗?
在您提到标准(这是一件好事)之前,请考虑一下进化变化与革命性变化。如果亨利福特问人们更好的出行方式,他们会说他们想要一匹更快的马。(Webkit 是一匹更快的马。)
5 回答
有各种各样的“替代品”,而且在网络存在之前就已经存在。谈论 HTML+JS 的“替代”的问题在于,谈话通常是出于对当前实现的一个或多个特定方面的挫败感:
- “我讨厌缺少特定于演示文稿的标签,我们可以替换它吗?”
- “我讨厌缺少语义标签,我们可以替换它吗?”
- “我讨厌 CSS 盒子模型,我们可以替换它吗?”
- “我讨厌低于标准的打印支持,我们可以更换它吗?”
- “我讨厌获得炫目的动画所需的技巧,我们可以替换它吗?”
- ...
有人想要一匹更快的马,有人想要一匹不知疲倦的马,有人想要一匹更强壮的马,有人想要一匹闻起来像燃烧石油的马,而不是,呃,马……把所有的想法放在一起,你可能会得到一辆 Model-T。 .. 或者你可能会从儒勒·凡尔纳/蒸汽朋克的噩梦中得到一些东西。
HTML+CSS+JS 将被 HTML+CSS+SVG+JS 取代,后者将被更现代的前者取代,有时还会添加一些新的东西。今天的 Web 技术与 10 年前的 Web 技术大不相同。你可以期待十年后的风景仍然会有所不同。
看看阿尔法极客的样子。嗯,他们都在关注带有大量 Javascript 和 CSS 的 REST 设计。
Web 技术本身并不是“大杂烩”。大杂烩方面来自具有自己的错误和怪癖的多个实现。换句话说,它来自在竞争激烈的市场中实施的开放格式。
因此,您正在寻找的是网络技术的范式转变。总是很难想象它会是什么样子——也许新技术将成为一种更身临其境的体验,结合更多的感官,而不仅仅是视觉和声音(触摸是一个很好的候选者),以及允许全方位运动交互的东西,而不是然后是 2D 的“指向并单击”鼠标界面。
You mentioned two alternatives already: Silverlight and Flash. It's safe to assume that ~95% people have Flash Player installed; Silverlight has also seen quite good adoption in this short amount of time.
But jumping on the eye-candy bandwagon isn't necessarily going to make your site better. There will be issues with accessibility, search engines not being to properly index your content, users not being to bookmark pages they want to get back to. Rich graphics pages, although vector, take more to load and can often turn out just annoying (where the goal was visual appeal, the opposite happened). All these things can be worked around or even fixed, but it takes much more resources compared to using standards.
All these things would apply even if there was some new technology that we "haven't read of".
HTTP is as slow as network connection is, not by poor design. It's actually very efficient. HTML processing is also blazing fast, considering browsers performed well enough for people using them even on sites with terrible, fat table-based markup. JavaScript scene is looking very bright; there is increased attention on the new version of the specs, multiple implementations, incredible speed advantages in modern browsers over the course of last year. And don't think only WebKit is fast -- Opera and Mozilla have never fallen behind.
If you observe what was happening on the Internet in the last 20 years, you would have noticed that proprietary, vendor-dictated technologies eventually got pushed out by open standards. The only reason Flash Player survived was that JavaScript and open video codecs needed some time to get developed. Now that they are here, I think the same thing is going to happen all over again.
您可能对Sun 的 Lively感兴趣。
可能还会有更多编译为 HTML+JavaScript 的工具,因此您不必直接处理它们(如 GWT)。还有一些项目尝试编译其他语言以在浏览器中工作(如HotRuby)。