我有三台计算机,我想知道如何将它们聚集在一起,所以我有一台具有额外计算能力的计算机(主)。我想在 Windows(如果适用)中通过家庭网络(主要)执行此操作,并且能够在遇到其他计算机时进行扩展。

(1 个主) Intel 双核 1.86 GHz 3 GB 内存 (32 位) ~300 GB 硬盘 (Win 7) (2) AMD 2.1 GHz 单核 3 GB 内存 (64 位) ~300 硬盘 (Win 7) (3) AMD 1.8 GHz 单核 256 Mb 内存。(32 位?) 40 GB 硬盘(W2K 或 XP。目前正在尝试决定。)



1 回答 1


I think that very much depends on the kind of application you want to run on your cluster - its not clear from your question. If you want to be able to run seti@home stuff, then you don't need much more than a network connection. If you want to run programs that specifically support parallelism (such as some ray tracers) then they'll sometimes have their own parallelism layer (such as MPI) which will require a network connection and sometimes a shared file system. If you're running mainly windows desktop applications, then its unclear to me how you can use them in a clustered configuration - you could set up remote access on each one so that you can connect to each from a single console and run different applications on each one.

A classic 'beowulf' configuration would probably have MPI and a shared filesystem.

于 2011-09-19T06:50:04.497 回答