我想开发允许人们登录并支付账单的软件。该软件必须连接到托管在客户端(可能是许多客户端)的服务器并检索一些信息。问题是我想让它在任何情况下都能正常工作。类似于 goto my pc 之类的家用远程控制软件。我不能保证客户端的设置只有他们有一个基于 Windows 的服务器和互联网连接。我想安装一个软件并让它连接到服务器并等待信息。我真的很想使用最简单的软件,例如 PHP。
I want to develop software that will allow people to log in and pay a bill.
That is a requirement. That is fine.
The software will have to connect to a server hosted at a client (could be many clients) and retrieve some information.
That is a specific technical solution to the above requirement. And not a very good one I might add.
So. Do you want to know how best to solve your requirement, or do you want a technical explanation about how you could implement your (totally misguided) proposed solution?