我有一个 javascript 对象克隆问题。我希望能够克隆已从对象原型定义的方法更改或在实例化后添加到对象的对象方法。这可能吗?
function myObject( name, att, dif ) {
/* 'privileged' methods */
this.attribute = function(newAtt) { // just a getter-setter for the 'private' att member
if(newAtt) { att = newAtt; }
return att;
// 'public' members
this.printName = name;
myObject.prototype.genericMethod = function() {
// does what is usually needed for myObjects
/* Create an instance of myObject */
var object153 = new myObject( '153rd Object', 'ABC', 2 );
// object153 needs to vary from most instances of myObject:
object153.genericMethod = function() {
// new code here specific to myObject instance object153
/* These instances become a collection of objects which I will use subsets of later. */
/* Now I need to clone a subset of myObjects, including object153 */
var copyOfObject153 = object153.clone();
// I want copyOfObject153 to have a genericMethod method, and I want it to be the one
// defined to be specific to object153 above. How do I do that in my clone() method?
// The method really needs to still be called 'genericMethod', too.