我有一个 384MB 的文本文件,有 5000 万行。每行包含 2 个空格分隔的整数:一个键和一个值。文件按关键字排序。我需要一种有效的方法来查找 Python 中大约 200 个键的列表的值。

我目前的方法包括在下面。这需要 30 秒。必须有更高效的 Python foo 才能将其降低到最多几秒钟的合理效率。

# list contains a sorted list of the keys we need to lookup
# there is a sentinel at the end of list to simplify the code
# we use pointer to iterate through the list of keys
for line in fin:
  line = map(int, line.split())
  while line[0] == list[pointer].key:
    list[pointer].value = line[1]
    pointer += 1
  while line[0] > list[pointer].key:
    pointer += 1
  if pointer >= len(list) - 1:
    break # end of list; -1 is due to sentinel

编码二进制搜索 + 寻找解决方案(感谢 kigurai!):

entries = 24935502 # number of entries
width   = 18       # fixed width of an entry in the file padded with spaces
                   # at the end of each line
for i, search in enumerate(list): # list contains the list of search keys
  left, right = 0, entries-1 
  key = None
  while key != search and left <= right:
    mid = (left + right) / 2
    fin.seek(mid * width)
    key, value = map(int, fin.readline().split())
    if search > key:
      left = mid + 1
      right = mid - 1
  if key != search:
    value = None # for when search key is not found
  search.result = value # store the result of the search

8 回答 8


如果你只需要 5000 万行中的 200 行,那么将它们全部读入内存是一种浪费。我会对搜索键列表进行排序,然后使用 seek() 或类似的东西对文件应用二进制搜索。这样你就不会将整个文件读入内存,我认为这应该加快速度。

于 2009-04-13T15:37:33.317 回答

S.Lotts 答案的轻微优化:

from collections import defaultdict
keyValues= defaultdict(list)
targetKeys= # some list of keys as strings
for line in fin:
    key, value = line.split()
    if key in targetKeys:
        keyValues[key].append( value )

由于我们使用的是字典而不是列表,因此键不必是数字。这会为每一行保存 map() 操作和字符串到整数的转换。如果您希望键是数字,请在最后进行转换,此时您只需为每个键执行一次,而不是为 5000 万行中的每一行执行一次。

于 2009-04-13T15:46:13.797 回答


from collections import defaultdict
keyValues= defaultdict(list)
targetKeys= # some list of keys
for line in fin:
    key, value = map( int, line.split())
    if key in targetKeys:
        keyValues[key].append( value )
于 2009-04-13T15:33:48.100 回答

我会使用内存映射:http: //docs.python.org/library/mmap.html

于 2009-04-13T15:32:40.443 回答


import os, stat

class IntegerKeyTextFile(object):
    def __init__(self, filename):
        self.filename = filename
        self.f = open(self.filename, 'r')

    def getStatinfo(self):
        self.statinfo = os.stat(self.filename)
        self.size = self.statinfo[stat.ST_SIZE]

    def parse(self, line):
        key, value = line.split()
        k = int(key)
        v = int(value)
        return (k,v)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        return self.findKey(key)

    def findKey(self, keyToFind, startpoint=0, endpoint=None):
        "Recursively search a text file"

        if endpoint is None:
            endpoint = self.size

        currentpoint = (startpoint + endpoint) // 2

        while True:
            if currentpoint <> 0:
                # may not start at a line break! Discard.
                baddata = self.f.readline() 

            linestart = self.f.tell()
            keyatpoint = self.f.readline()

            if not keyatpoint:
                # read returned empty - end of file
                raise KeyError('key %d not found'%(keyToFind,))

            k,v = self.parse(keyatpoint)

            if k == keyToFind:
                print 'key found at ', linestart, ' with value ', v
                return v

            if endpoint == startpoint:
                    raise KeyError('key %d not found'%(keyToFind,))

            if k > keyToFind:
                return self.findKey(keyToFind, startpoint, currentpoint)
                return self.findKey(keyToFind, currentpoint, endpoint)

在 jEdit 中创建的示例文本文件似乎可以工作:

>>> i = integertext.IntegerKeyTextFile('c:\\sampledata.txt')
>>> i[1]
key found at  0  with value  345


于 2009-04-13T16:35:18.077 回答


使用固定长度的记录,您可以轻松地在已排序的文件周围 seek() 以找到您的密钥。

于 2009-04-13T15:53:55.320 回答


于 2009-04-13T15:40:51.873 回答

您需要使用 seek() 实现二进制搜索

于 2009-04-13T15:56:12.913 回答