Alright, I have been searching every keyword combination i could think of but haven't found a solution to this yet. Everyone seems to have the opposite problem of what I am having.

I built a custom UITableViewCell with a nib file. It has a UITextView in it that displays detectable text.

After loading I can see the text has been detected and highlighted in the UITextView, however, when I go to click on it, it selects the cell, not the detected data.

The UITextView is not editable and user interaction is turned on so I should be able to get it working no?

Does anyone know what I might have to do to get it to work as intended?

If I didn't provide a piece of information that might help you help me, please let me know and I will post it.

Thanks in advance, ~Arash


1 回答 1


我知道这篇文章很旧,但我一直试图找出这个确切的问题比我想承认的要多几个小时。希望这个答案对将来的某人有所帮助。仅供参考...我此时使用的是 Xcode 4.3.2。

我的问题是“启用用户交互”。我为 UITextView 启用了它,但没有为自定义表格视图单元格启用它。如果为表格视图单元格关闭它,则不会向单元格或其任何子视图(即 UITextView 或可能的 UIButton)发送任何触摸。修复后的唯一问题是,如果您触摸单元格中的其他任何位置,则单元格将被选中。我必须去 Attributes Inspector,选择 UITableViewCell,然后将“Selection”从“Blue”更改为“None”。


于 2012-06-01T16:23:54.063 回答