我们正在开发自己的应用程序基础架构,为我们的客户开发定制的 Web 应用程序,这些应用程序具有标准的 Web 功能,如 CMS、本地化、身份验证等......

自定义应用程序可以是 Web 上的任何业务线/B2B/B2C 应用程序。应用程序可以同时满足 Intranet/Internet 用户的需求。并非所有自定义应用程序都需要 WSS 提供的标准功能,包括 CMS、本地化和搜索

我们是否应该考虑使用 WSS 作为核心框架来开发我们的应用程序基础架构?更重要的是我们不能指望 WSS 为我们做什么


1 回答 1


You need to give more information on what you are building. How many users are you trying to cater for? Are these applications going to be accessible over the internet? I would strongly recommend that you install WSS for yourself and evaluate the features and the costs.

WSS provides a basic collaboration infrastructure over and above the services available for ASP.NET. Licencing costs can be quite expensive for internet use, but that is relative to your revenues. Features like publishing are only available in MOSS so your CMS/localization requirements may not be satisfied with WSS. Authentication is provided in ASP.NET and WSS simply provides a mechanism for managing users and setting authorization.

于 2009-04-13T13:29:07.977 回答