I'm getting this error when I issue this:

DataContext.DBProjectEntities.Projects.Where(xWhere, parameterList.ToArray)

The command parameter syntax '@0' is not valid. Near line 6, column 37.

  • xWhere is a string containing value "(ProjectStatuses.Any(DepartmentID = @0))"
  • parameterList is Dim parameterList As New List(Of ObjectParameter)

It contains one element with value 1 of type Int32 which corresponds to the type of DepartmentID.


1 回答 1


我知道了。我正在使用来自外部程序集的 dunamic.vb。在我的代码中,我有该程序集的导入语句,但我还需要 system.linq.dynamic 的导入

于 2011-09-16T13:33:05.547 回答