I am working on a library for subdivision surfaces. In order to represent the mesh topology I'm using a kind of split-vertex lath data structure (see the diagram on the left side).
During the construction of a mesh, that also can be seen as a graph, it create nodes that should point to another ones that don't exist yet (see diagram on the right side - dashed arrow represent future links). The classical solution is to create a node with an empty pointer and then update it when the other one is created. Since I'm working on Haskell :) and I don't want to go to the dark side of the code (impurity) I'm wondering if it is possible to construct a mesh (graph) without update the data. I guess that CPS (Continuation Passing Style) could do the job but I can't figure out a way.
Is it just a dream?
Let me clarify my question a little bit. I am looking for a method to create nodes with direct links (pointers) and by direct link I mean no intermediate tables or maps. Just a plain data definition like that:
data Mesh = Edge Vertex Mesh Mesh Vertex | Ground
If I'm not wrong and if it is doable, CPS would allow an efficient creation (without node updates) and efficient transverse (without lookups on maps) of a graph. On the other hand the graph would become totally immutable i.e. a single change needs to be propagated through the whole graph e.g. changing the tail of a list.
Am I wrong? If no, how to do it?