我有一台 24 GB 的机器,所以我打算安装 Vista 64 位,除了 VMware 工作站 6.5 Vista 映像之外什么都没有,它将安装在我将在主 Vista 上制作的 RAM 磁盘上。

整个 VMware 映像将在 RAM 中,因此我将在其中安装 Visual Studio 2008 并将我的所有站点都放在那里,就好像它是一个真正的磁盘一样。我已经对从 RAM Disk 运行应用程序进行了一些测试,性能非常出色,但我有些担心。

  • 如何进行连续备份?由于它是一个 RAM 磁盘,一旦 PC 重新启动,一切都将消失:Visual Studio、SQL 数据库、我的站点以及其他所有内容。
  • 只要我的主主机 Vista 没有安装任何东西,留 8 GB 的 RAM 就足够了吗?

  • VMware 映像是一个文件,那么我应该对主机驱动器还是 VMware 映像内的驱动器进行碎片整理?


4 回答 4


看看Live Mesh。它将负责为您同步所有数据。当您重新启动 RAM 映像时,它会将文件拉回。通常,您注意到 LiveMesh 文件夹和普通文件夹之间的唯一区别是文件夹图标。

于 2009-04-13T01:51:49.417 回答

碎片整理:以下是 VMWare 的建议:“首先,在 VM 中运行碎片整理实用程序;第二,使用 WMware Workstation 碎片整理工具;第三,在主机上运行碎片整理实用程序”

Backup: for my VMs, I use SynbackPro to run a timed backup of my project files to a SHARED folder on my host machine, then on the host I have SyncbackPro running a timed backup to an external drive. That way, no matter which VM I happen to be using, the external drive gets the backups.

于 2009-04-13T03:20:39.250 回答

RAM disk is a great idea in principle, but you might not gain as much as you think. First, its declared overhead is about 10%, but in our server it degraded the performance in about 30-40%. Second, when having a lot of memory at hand, the system cache can load most of your files into memory anyway, so effectively all your IO is done with the RAM.

This is based on our experience with our server, and it might to apply to your case. I would suggest you at least try to install everything directly on the OS, let it run for some time so all needed files are cached, and then check the performance. If it's similar to what you have with VMWare + RAM disk, it would be much easier for you to maintain.

于 2009-04-13T08:22:11.397 回答



于 2009-04-13T01:28:41.860 回答