I have developed an online school management system. Now my client wants to implement fingerprint verification. What he wants is to store some biometric data for each student; this data is then compared to data of person swiping the finger and his personal data comes up...

I found this cheap Athena A101 http://www.biometrics.com.my/fingerprint-reader.html

The thing is there is no SDK, just some driver. And it is limited to 10 fingerprints. What I don't understand is once it is able to compare and store 10 fingerprints why not a 100 or 1000? I'm guessing this data is stored on the device itself. Why not store it on hdd?

Anyway my question: is there any way of cracking this? Has anybody done this before? Obviously the hardware is there, has anybody ever written software that is able to get data from these cheap devices and store them somewhere? You know making this device much more useful. Thank you for your help chaps.


1 回答 1


您可能希望研究该libpam-fprint模块:它libfprint与 PAM 集成的方式允许使用指纹机制对任何与 PAM 集成的服务进行身份验证。

这将使将来更改身份验证机制变得足够容易——放入新的 PAM 模块——并让您独立于任何特定供应商的工具包。

于 2011-09-15T00:55:50.200 回答