I have recently installed a website project on Azure and that was relatively easy to do thanks to great docs online. We are having a problem with the back office (admin) login though, it's a bit strange, as it didn't happen straight away, I shall elaborate....

When I go to http://www.keelycattschoolofdance.co.uk/umbraco/ it takes me to the login page, which seems fine.

(The url at this point becomes www.keelycattschoolofdance.co.uk/.../login.aspx)

I then login, which works and it starts to display the admin panels but then bounces back to the login and the URL becomes www.keelycattschoolofdance.co.uk/.../login.aspx

I am running this on Azure using the Accelerator, latest version of Umbraco and using SQL CE 4.0 rather than SQL Server.

has anyone seen this before?

Please let me know if you need more information, I shall respond :-)

Thanks in advance



1 回答 1


听起来可能是会话错误。这是 Azure 和 Umbraco 的问题,因为 Azure 使用循环负载平衡。

使用加速器设置 Umbraco 站点的正常方法是拥有一个单独的会话数据库,其中存储共享会话状态。

确保你在 Azure 上使用这个 Umbraco 加速器,因为它是最新最好的。





最后,如果您使用多个 Web 角色,Umbraco 预览有时会出现黄屏,因为预览 XML 可能不在获取预览请求的服务器上。这又是因为循环负载平衡。

于 2011-09-14T16:34:14.530 回答