我正在尝试将一些 Python 代码如下移植到 Ruby:
import pty
pid, fd = pty.fork
if pid == 0:
# figure out what to launch
cmd = get_command_based_on_user_input()
# now replace the forked process with the command
# read and write to fd like a terminal
因为我需要像终端一样读写子进程,所以我知道我应该使用 Ruby 的 PTY 模块来代替 Kernel.fork。但它似乎没有等效的 fork 方法;我必须将命令作为字符串传递。这是我能得到的最接近 Python 功能的地方:
require 'pty'
# The Ruby executable, ready to execute some codes
RUBY = %Q|/proc/#{Process.id}/exe -e "%s"|
# A small Ruby program which will eventually replace itself with another program. Very meta.
cmd = "cmd=get_command_based_on_user_input(); exec(cmd)"
r, w, pid = PTY.spawn(RUBY % cmd)
# Read and write from r and w
显然,其中一些是特定于 Linux 的,这很好。显然有些是伪代码,但这是我能找到的唯一方法,而且我只有 80% 的把握它无论如何都能工作。Ruby 肯定有更清洁的东西吗?