我是 DirectShow 的新手,正在向我的应用程序添加视频流。我已经研究了很多解决方案(TouchLess、DirectShow.net 等),最后选择了Code Project 上的这个小项目。 它没什么大不了的,这就是我选择它的原因;我想要一个小的代码库,因为我需要快速实现这个功能。

经过一整天的阅读、试验和调试,我终于让一切都运行良好。有一个延迟,这很糟糕,但我可以稍后再担心。我现在遇到的问题是相机能够达到 1280X720,我想使用这个分辨率。然而,它似乎决心以 640x480 进行捕捉。随着我越来越深入地学习如何设置分辨率,我终于认为我已经弄清楚了。我还在作为基础的注释中找到了代码项目页面上的代码。

经过 6 小时的尝试,我无法让这台相机更改其分辨率。我没有收到任何错误,并且从 SetFormat() 返回的 HRESULT 为 0,但相机不会改变分辨率。



void CameraMethods::StartCamera(int camIndex, interior_ptr<int> width, 
    interior_ptr<int> height)
    if (g_pGraphBuilder != NULL)
        throw gcnew ArgumentException("Graph Builder was null");

    IMoniker *pMoniker = GetMoniker(camIndex);

    HRESULT hr = S_OK;

    // Build all the necessary interfaces to start the capture
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_FilterGraph,

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = g_pGraphBuilder->QueryInterface(IID_IMediaControl, (LPVOID*)&g_pMediaControl);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_CaptureGraphBuilder2,

    // Setup the filter graph
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = g_pCaptureGraphBuilder->SetFiltergraph(g_pGraphBuilder);

    // Build the camera from the moniker
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = pMoniker->BindToObject(NULL, NULL, IID_IBaseFilter, (LPVOID*)&g_pIBaseFilterCam);

    // Add the camera to the filter graph
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = g_pGraphBuilder->AddFilter(g_pIBaseFilterCam, L"WebCam");

    // Create a SampleGrabber
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_SampleGrabber, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IBaseFilter, 

    // Configure the Sample Grabber
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = ConfigureSampleGrabber(g_pIBaseFilterSampleGrabber);

    //  Set the resolution - I have NO idea where this should be executed
    SetCaptureFormat(camIndex, *width, *height);

    // Add Sample Grabber to the filter graph
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = g_pGraphBuilder->AddFilter(g_pIBaseFilterSampleGrabber, L"SampleGrabber");

    // Create the NullRender
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_NullRenderer, NULL, CLSCTX_INPROC_SERVER, IID_IBaseFilter, 

    // Add the Null Render to the filter graph
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = g_pGraphBuilder->AddFilter(g_pIBaseFilterNullRenderer, L"NullRenderer");

    // Configure the render stream
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = g_pCaptureGraphBuilder->RenderStream(&PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, &MEDIATYPE_Video, 
            g_pIBaseFilterCam, g_pIBaseFilterSampleGrabber, g_pIBaseFilterNullRenderer);

    // Grab the capture width and height
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        ISampleGrabber* pGrabber = NULL;
        hr = g_pIBaseFilterSampleGrabber->QueryInterface(IID_ISampleGrabber, (LPVOID*)&pGrabber);
        if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
            AM_MEDIA_TYPE mt;
            hr = pGrabber->GetConnectedMediaType(&mt);
            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                VIDEOINFOHEADER *pVih;
                if ((mt.formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo) &&
                    (mt.cbFormat >= sizeof(VIDEOINFOHEADER)) &&
                    (mt.pbFormat != NULL) )
                    pVih = (VIDEOINFOHEADER*)mt.pbFormat;
                    *width = pVih->bmiHeader.biWidth;
                    *height = pVih->bmiHeader.biHeight;
                    hr = E_FAIL;  // Wrong format

                // FreeMediaType(mt); (from MSDN)
                if (mt.cbFormat != 0)
                    mt.cbFormat = 0;
                    mt.pbFormat = NULL;
                if (mt.pUnk != NULL)
                    // Unecessary because pUnk should not be used, but safest.
                    mt.pUnk = NULL;

        if (pGrabber != NULL)
            pGrabber = NULL;

    // Start the capture
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = g_pMediaControl->Run();

    // If init fails then ensure that you cleanup
    if (FAILED(hr))
        hr = S_OK;  // Make sure we return S_OK for success

    // Cleanup
    if (pMoniker != NULL)
        pMoniker = NULL;

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        this->activeCameraIndex = camIndex;
        throw gcnew COMException("Error Starting Camera", hr);

[更新] 在下面添加了 ConfigureSampleGrabber() 方法

HRESULT CameraMethods::ConfigureSampleGrabber(IBaseFilter *pIBaseFilter)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    ISampleGrabber *pGrabber = NULL;

    hr = pIBaseFilter->QueryInterface(IID_ISampleGrabber, (void**)&pGrabber);
    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        AM_MEDIA_TYPE mt;
        ZeroMemory(&mt, sizeof(AM_MEDIA_TYPE));
        mt.majortype = MEDIATYPE_Video;
        mt.subtype = MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB24;
        mt.formattype = FORMAT_VideoInfo;
        hr = pGrabber->SetMediaType(&mt);

    if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
        hr = pGrabber->SetCallback(new SampleGrabberCB(), 1);

    if (pGrabber != NULL)
        pGrabber = NULL;

    return hr;

这几乎是 CodeProject 源代码中的确切代码。然后我添加了这个方法来设置分辨率:

void CameraMethods::SetCaptureFormat(int camIndex, int width, int height)
    HRESULT hr = S_OK;
    IMoniker* pMoniker = GetMoniker(camIndex);

    IBaseFilter* pCap;
    hr=pMoniker->BindToObject(0,0,IID_IBaseFilter,(void **)&pCap);


    IAMStreamConfig *pConfig = NULL;

    if(g_pCaptureGraphBuilder == NULL)  // no CaptureGraphBuilder initialised

    hr = g_pCaptureGraphBuilder->FindInterface(
        &PIN_CATEGORY_CAPTURE, // Preview pin.
        0,    // Any media type.
        pCap, // Pointer to the capture filter.
        IID_IAMStreamConfig, (void**)&pConfig);


    int iCount = 0, iSize = 0;
    hr = pConfig->GetNumberOfCapabilities(&iCount, &iSize);

    // Check the size to make sure we pass in the correct structure.
    if (iSize == sizeof(VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS)) {

        // Use the video capabilities structure.
        for (int iFormat = 0; iFormat < iCount; iFormat++)
            AM_MEDIA_TYPE *pmt;
            /* Note:  Use of the VIDEO_STREAM_CONFIG_CAPS structure to configure a video device is 
            deprecated. Although the caller must allocate the buffer, it should ignore the 
            contents after the method returns. The capture device will return its supported 
            formats through the pmt parameter. */
            hr = pConfig->GetStreamCaps(iFormat, &pmt, (BYTE*)&scc);
            if (SUCCEEDED(hr))
                /* Examine the format, and possibly use it. */
                if (pmt->formattype == FORMAT_VideoInfo) {
                    // Check the buffer size.
                    if (pmt->cbFormat >= sizeof(VIDEOINFOHEADER))
                        VIDEOINFOHEADER *pVih =  reinterpret_cast<VIDEOINFOHEADER*>(pmt->pbFormat);
                        BITMAPINFOHEADER *bmiHeader = &pVih->bmiHeader;

                        /* Access VIDEOINFOHEADER members through pVih. */
                        if( bmiHeader->biWidth == width && bmiHeader->biHeight == height && 
                            bmiHeader->biBitCount == 24)
                            hr = pConfig->SetFormat(pmt);

                // Delete the media type when you are done.

我已经单步执行了代码并验证了对 SetFormat() 的调用是否已执行并返回一个有效的 HRESULT。但是捕获的帧没有变化。

如果没有错误消息,很难知道从哪里开始。我希望这里有一些 DirectShow 专家会看到这个问题,我什至会对一个很好的时尚居高临下感到满意“嗯,是的,一旦缓冲区分配到过滤器堆栈和小部件被初始化为 foobar!Pft...lol" ;)

教我,哦 DirectShow/COM 上帝!


根据 Roman 的建议,我使用 GraphStudio 来查看图表的底层。我承认我仍然不明白我到底在看什么。我发现了一个“文本报告”功能,并认为在此处发布该报告会有所帮助,以防它显示一些有价值的信息。

  1. Smart Tee
  2. MJPEG Decompressor
  3. SampleGrabber
  4. NullRenderer
  5. WebCam

  1. [Smart Tee]/(Capture) -> [MJPEG Decompressor]/(XForm In)
      Major:   MEDIATYPE_Video
          bFixedSizeSamples:    TRUE
          bTemporalCompression: FALSE
          lSampleSize:          921600
          cbFormat:             88
      Format:  FORMAT_VideoInfo
          rcSource:             (0,0,0,0)
          rcTarget:             (0,0,0,0)
          dwBitRate:            221184000
          dwBitErrorRate:       0
          AvgTimePerFrame:      333333
          biSize:               40
          biWidth:              640
          biHeight:             480
          biPlanes:             1
          biBitCount:           24
          biCompression:        0x47504A4D
          biSizeImage:          921600
          biXPelsPerMeter:      0
          biYPelsPerMeter:      0
          biClrUsed:            0
          biClrImportant:       0

  2. [MJPEG Decompressor]/(XForm Out) -> [SampleGrabber]/(Input)
      Major:   MEDIATYPE_Video
      Subtype: MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB24
          bFixedSizeSamples:    TRUE
          bTemporalCompression: FALSE
          lSampleSize:          921600
          cbFormat:             88
      Format:  FORMAT_VideoInfo
          rcSource:             (0,0,0,0)
          rcTarget:             (0,0,0,0)
          dwBitRate:            221184221
          dwBitErrorRate:       0
          AvgTimePerFrame:      333333
          biSize:               40
          biWidth:              640
          biHeight:             480
          biPlanes:             1
          biBitCount:           24
          biCompression:        0x00000000
          biSizeImage:          921600
          biXPelsPerMeter:      0
          biYPelsPerMeter:      0
          biClrUsed:            0
          biClrImportant:       0

  3. [SampleGrabber]/(Output) -> [NullRenderer]/(In)
      Major:   MEDIATYPE_Video
      Subtype: MEDIASUBTYPE_RGB24
          bFixedSizeSamples:    TRUE
          bTemporalCompression: FALSE
          lSampleSize:          921600
          cbFormat:             88
      Format:  FORMAT_VideoInfo
          rcSource:             (0,0,0,0)
          rcTarget:             (0,0,0,0)
          dwBitRate:            221184221
          dwBitErrorRate:       0
          AvgTimePerFrame:      333333
          biSize:               40
          biWidth:              640
          biHeight:             480
          biPlanes:             1
          biBitCount:           24
          biCompression:        0x00000000
          biSizeImage:          921600
          biXPelsPerMeter:      0
          biYPelsPerMeter:      0
          biClrUsed:            0
          biClrImportant:       0

  4. [WebCam]/(Capture) -> [Smart Tee]/(Input)
      Major:   MEDIATYPE_Video
          bFixedSizeSamples:    TRUE
          bTemporalCompression: FALSE
          lSampleSize:          921600
          cbFormat:             88
      Format:  FORMAT_VideoInfo
          rcSource:             (0,0,0,0)
          rcTarget:             (0,0,0,0)
          dwBitRate:            221184000
          dwBitErrorRate:       0
          AvgTimePerFrame:      333333
          biSize:               40
          biWidth:              640
          biHeight:             480
          biPlanes:             1
          biBitCount:           24
          biCompression:        0x47504A4D
          biSizeImage:          921600
          biXPelsPerMeter:      0
          biYPelsPerMeter:      0
          biClrUsed:            0
          biClrImportant:       0

[更新#3] - 圣牛,我开始了什么?!为什么在我遇到支持Roman 的色彩空间不匹配理论的东西之前,我的谷歌搜索比以往任何时候都更深入。我下载了该应用程序,并立即修复了一个缓冲区太小的错误。解决后,我能够生成以下报告:

Dump Version:   1.2

Using device:   Microsoft® LifeCam Studio(TM)
Interface:  USB

Pin Name:   Capture
Pin direction:  Output
Pin category:   Capture

IAMVideoCompression:    No
ISpecifyPropertyPages:  Yes
IMediaSeeking:  Yes
IPinConnection: No
IPinFlowControl:    No
IAMDroppedFrames:   No
IAMVideoProcAmp:    No
IAMVideoControlCaps:    0

Major Type  Sub Type    Format Type FixedSamples    Temporal Compression    Sample Size Max Input Size  Min Output Size Max Output Size Min-Max FPS Video Standard
Video   YUY2    VideoInfo   Fixed   NotTemporal 614400  640x480 640x480 640x480 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   YUY2    VideoInfo2  Fixed   NotTemporal 614400  640x480 640x480 640x480 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   YUY2    VideoInfo   Fixed   NotTemporal 1843200 1280x720    1280x720    1280x720    7.50-10.00  {none}
Video   YUY2    VideoInfo2  Fixed   NotTemporal 1843200 1280x720    1280x720    1280x720    7.50-10.00  {none}
Video   YUY2    VideoInfo   Fixed   NotTemporal 1044480 960x544 960x544 960x544 7.50-20.00  {none}
Video   YUY2    VideoInfo2  Fixed   NotTemporal 1044480 960x544 960x544 960x544 7.50-20.00  {none}
Video   YUY2    VideoInfo   Fixed   NotTemporal 716800  800x448 800x448 800x448 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   YUY2    VideoInfo2  Fixed   NotTemporal 716800  800x448 800x448 800x448 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   YUY2    VideoInfo   Fixed   NotTemporal 460800  640x360 640x360 640x360 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   YUY2    VideoInfo2  Fixed   NotTemporal 460800  640x360 640x360 640x360 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   YUY2    VideoInfo   Fixed   NotTemporal 203520  424x240 424x240 424x240 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   YUY2    VideoInfo2  Fixed   NotTemporal 203520  424x240 424x240 424x240 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   YUY2    VideoInfo   Fixed   NotTemporal 202752  352x288 352x288 352x288 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   YUY2    VideoInfo2  Fixed   NotTemporal 202752  352x288 352x288 352x288 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   YUY2    VideoInfo   Fixed   NotTemporal 153600  320x240 320x240 320x240 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   YUY2    VideoInfo2  Fixed   NotTemporal 153600  320x240 320x240 320x240 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   YUY2    VideoInfo   Fixed   NotTemporal 960000  800x600 800x600 800x600 7.50-20.00  {none}
Video   YUY2    VideoInfo2  Fixed   NotTemporal 960000  800x600 800x600 800x600 7.50-20.00  {none}
Video   YUY2    VideoInfo   Fixed   NotTemporal 50688   176x144 176x144 176x144 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   YUY2    VideoInfo2  Fixed   NotTemporal 50688   176x144 176x144 176x144 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   YUY2    VideoInfo   Fixed   NotTemporal 38400   160x120 160x120 160x120 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   YUY2    VideoInfo2  Fixed   NotTemporal 38400   160x120 160x120 160x120 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   YUY2    VideoInfo   Fixed   NotTemporal 4147200 1920x1080   1920x1080   1920x1080   5.00-5.00   {none}
Video   YUY2    VideoInfo2  Fixed   NotTemporal 4147200 1920x1080   1920x1080   1920x1080   5.00-5.00   {none}
Video   MJPG    VideoInfo   Fixed   NotTemporal 921600  640x480 640x480 640x480 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   MJPG    VideoInfo2  Fixed   NotTemporal 921600  640x480 640x480 640x480 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   MJPG    VideoInfo   Fixed   NotTemporal 6220800 1920x1080   1920x1080   1920x1080   7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   MJPG    VideoInfo2  Fixed   NotTemporal 6220800 1920x1080   1920x1080   1920x1080   7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   MJPG    VideoInfo   Fixed   NotTemporal 2764800 1280x720    1280x720    1280x720    7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   MJPG    VideoInfo2  Fixed   NotTemporal 2764800 1280x720    1280x720    1280x720    7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   MJPG    VideoInfo   Fixed   NotTemporal 1566720 960x544 960x544 960x544 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   MJPG    VideoInfo2  Fixed   NotTemporal 1566720 960x544 960x544 960x544 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   MJPG    VideoInfo   Fixed   NotTemporal 1075200 800x448 800x448 800x448 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   MJPG    VideoInfo2  Fixed   NotTemporal 1075200 800x448 800x448 800x448 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   MJPG    VideoInfo   Fixed   NotTemporal 691200  640x360 640x360 640x360 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   MJPG    VideoInfo2  Fixed   NotTemporal 691200  640x360 640x360 640x360 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   MJPG    VideoInfo   Fixed   NotTemporal 1440000 800x600 800x600 800x600 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   MJPG    VideoInfo2  Fixed   NotTemporal 1440000 800x600 800x600 800x600 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   MJPG    VideoInfo   Fixed   NotTemporal 311040  432x240 432x240 432x240 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   MJPG    VideoInfo2  Fixed   NotTemporal 311040  432x240 432x240 432x240 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   MJPG    VideoInfo   Fixed   NotTemporal 304128  352x288 352x288 352x288 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   MJPG    VideoInfo2  Fixed   NotTemporal 304128  352x288 352x288 352x288 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   MJPG    VideoInfo   Fixed   NotTemporal 76032   176x144 176x144 176x144 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   MJPG    VideoInfo2  Fixed   NotTemporal 76032   176x144 176x144 176x144 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   MJPG    VideoInfo   Fixed   NotTemporal 230400  320x240 320x240 320x240 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   MJPG    VideoInfo2  Fixed   NotTemporal 230400  320x240 320x240 320x240 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   MJPG    VideoInfo   Fixed   NotTemporal 57600   160x120 160x120 160x120 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   MJPG    VideoInfo2  Fixed   NotTemporal 57600   160x120 160x120 160x120 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   {3032344D-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}  VideoInfo   Fixed   NotTemporal 460800  640x480 640x480 640x480 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   {3032344D-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}  VideoInfo2  Fixed   NotTemporal 460800  640x480 640x480 640x480 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   {3032344D-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}  VideoInfo   Fixed   NotTemporal 1382400 1280x720    1280x720    1280x720    7.50-15.00  {none}
Video   {3032344D-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}  VideoInfo2  Fixed   NotTemporal 1382400 1280x720    1280x720    1280x720    7.50-15.00  {none}
Video   {3032344D-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}  VideoInfo   Fixed   NotTemporal 783360  960x544 960x544 960x544 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   {3032344D-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}  VideoInfo2  Fixed   NotTemporal 783360  960x544 960x544 960x544 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   {3032344D-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}  VideoInfo   Fixed   NotTemporal 537600  800x448 800x448 800x448 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   {3032344D-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}  VideoInfo2  Fixed   NotTemporal 537600  800x448 800x448 800x448 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   {3032344D-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}  VideoInfo   Fixed   NotTemporal 345600  640x360 640x360 640x360 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   {3032344D-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}  VideoInfo2  Fixed   NotTemporal 345600  640x360 640x360 640x360 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   {3032344D-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}  VideoInfo   Fixed   NotTemporal 152640  424x240 424x240 424x240 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   {3032344D-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}  VideoInfo2  Fixed   NotTemporal 152640  424x240 424x240 424x240 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   {3032344D-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}  VideoInfo   Fixed   NotTemporal 152064  352x288 352x288 352x288 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   {3032344D-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}  VideoInfo2  Fixed   NotTemporal 152064  352x288 352x288 352x288 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   {3032344D-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}  VideoInfo   Fixed   NotTemporal 115200  320x240 320x240 320x240 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   {3032344D-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}  VideoInfo2  Fixed   NotTemporal 115200  320x240 320x240 320x240 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   {3032344D-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}  VideoInfo   Fixed   NotTemporal 720000  800x600 800x600 800x600 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   {3032344D-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}  VideoInfo2  Fixed   NotTemporal 720000  800x600 800x600 800x600 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   {3032344D-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}  VideoInfo   Fixed   NotTemporal 38016   176x144 176x144 176x144 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   {3032344D-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}  VideoInfo2  Fixed   NotTemporal 38016   176x144 176x144 176x144 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   {3032344D-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}  VideoInfo   Fixed   NotTemporal 28800   160x120 160x120 160x120 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   {3032344D-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}  VideoInfo2  Fixed   NotTemporal 28800   160x120 160x120 160x120 7.50-30.00  {none}
Video   {3032344D-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}  VideoInfo   Fixed   NotTemporal 3110400 1920x1080   1920x1080   1920x1080   7.50-7.50   {none}
Video   {3032344D-0000-0010-8000-00AA00389B71}  VideoInfo2  Fixed   NotTemporal 3110400 1920x1080   1920x1080   1920x1080   7.50-7.50   {none}

Pin Name:   Video Camera Terminal
Pin direction:  Input
Pin category:   {3EBC7959-3310-493B-AA81-C7E132D56F71}

IAMVideoCompression:    No
ISpecifyPropertyPages:  Yes
IMediaSeeking:  No
IPinConnection: No
IPinFlowControl:    No
IAMDroppedFrames:   No
IAMVideoProcAmp:    No
IAMVideoControlCaps:    0

Major Type  Sub Type    Format Type FixedSamples    Temporal Compression    Sample Size

2 回答 2


您将它放在正确的位置 - 在 AddFilter 已经在图表中之后,但在其输出引脚连接之前。如果您的 HRESULT 成功,那么您可能会期待更改格式,但可能会有例外,例如下游过滤器不接受此媒体类型,他们从一开始就开始协商。

您没有在此处显示您的 ConfigureSampleGrabber,因此您想要的这种媒体类型可能不被样本采集器接受,从而制作过滤器图以尝试替代媒体类型和/或中间过滤器(例如解码器)。


  1. 对于故障排除,您可能需要:

    1. 将过滤器图添加到 ROT,或者只是安装 DirectShow Spy自动为您完成相同的操作
    2. 在您的 SetCaptureFormat 之后立即在您的代码中添加一个 MessageBox
    3. 当消息框仍在屏幕上时,使用 GraphEdit ( GraphStudio ) 检查您的过滤器图并查看它在其输出引脚上枚举的媒体类型;通常第一个媒体类型将是用于实际连接的媒体类型,因此您在 SetFormat 中成功的 HRESULT 基本上假定媒体类型现在位于此列表的顶部
  2. 要强制使用媒体类型,您可能希望将 IFilterGraph::ConnectDirect 与配置的 pin 一起使用,它是直接相邻的下游 pin 和您感兴趣的媒体类型。


于 2011-09-12T07:39:58.067 回答


于 2012-08-19T12:25:02.310 回答