我正在研究使用 Mozilla 音频 API 音调生成器:
function AudioDataDestination(sampleRate, readFn) {
// Initialize the audio output.
var audio = new Audio();
audio.mozSetup(1, sampleRate);
var currentWritePosition = 0;
var prebufferSize = sampleRate / 2; // buffer 500ms
var tail = null, tailPosition;
// The function called with regular interval to populate
// the audio output buffer.
setInterval(function() {
var written;
// Check if some data was not written in previous attempts.
if(tail) {
written = audio.mozWriteAudio(tail.subarray(tailPosition));
currentWritePosition += written;
tailPosition += written;
if(tailPosition < tail.length) {
// Not all the data was written, saving the tail...
return; // ... and exit the function.
tail = null;
// Check if we need add some data to the audio output.
var currentPosition = audio.mozCurrentSampleOffset();
var available = currentPosition + prebufferSize - currentWritePosition;
if(available > 0) {
// Request some sound data from the callback function.
var soundData = new Float32Array(available);
// Writting the data.
written = audio.mozWriteAudio(soundData);
if(written < soundData.length) {
// Not all the data was written, saving the tail.
tail = soundData;
tailPosition = written;
currentWritePosition += written;
}, 100);
// Control and generate the sound.
var frequency = 0, currentSoundSample;
var sampleRate = 44100;
function requestSoundData(soundData) {
if (!frequency) {
return; // no sound selected
var k = 2* Math.PI * frequency / sampleRate;
for (var i=0, size=soundData.length; i<size; i++) {
soundData[i] = Math.sin(k * currentSoundSample++);
var audioDestination = new AudioDataDestination(sampleRate, requestSoundData);
function start() {
currentSoundSample = 0;
frequency = parseFloat(document.getElementById("freq").value);
function stop() {
frequency = 0;
我希望此音打开 500 毫秒,然后关闭 500 毫秒,然后重复直到按下停止按钮。我想我可以通过将样本编号 22,050 到 44,100 设置为零来做到这一点。但是,这种方法似乎不起作用。我认为这是因为重新填充缓冲区的功能每 100 毫秒发生一次,但这已经超出了我的知识范围。任何帮助将不胜感激。