生成的动画快速且响应迅速(实际上我用一个小的 PAUSE 减慢了它的速度),特别是因为我们只维护线条的可见部分的值(我们只是丢弃/覆盖旧值)。
%# setup axis and lines
N = 60; %# window size (60 sec)
XLIMS = [1 N]; %# starting axis limits
YLIMS = [-1 1];
hAx = axes('XLim',XLIMS, 'YLim',YLIMS, 'Box','on', ...
'YLimMode','manual', 'XLimMode','manual');
hLine1 = line('XData',1:N, 'YData',nan, 'Color','b', ...
'Parent',hAx, 'YLimInclude','off');
hLine2 = line('XData',1:N, 'YData',nan, 'Color','r', ...
'Parent',hAx, 'YLimInclude','off');
%# initialize vectors
y1 = nan(N,1);
y2 = nan(N,1);
ind = 1;
val1 = 0; val2 = 0;
while true
%# get new values, and insert them in vectors
val1 = val1 + (rand-0.5);
val2 = val2 + (rand-0.5);
y1(ind) = val1;
y2(ind) = val2;
%# update lines data
set(hLine1, 'YData',y1)
set(hLine2, 'YData',y2)
%# keep track of smallest/largest values seen
mn = min(val1,val2); mx = max(val1,val2);
if mn<YLIMS(1), YLIMS(1) = mn; flag = true; end
if mx>YLIMS(2), YLIMS(2) = mx; flag = true; end
%# update axis Y-limits if needed
if flag
set(hAx, 'YLim',YLIMS); flag = false;
%# refresh plot
drawnow, pause(0.02)
%# circularly increment counter
ind = ind + 1;
if ind>N
%# perparing for next cycle
ind = 1;
y1(:) = nan; y2(:) = nan;
%# update axis x-limits and slide line x-data
set(hAx, 'XLim',get(hAx,'XLim')+N);
set(hLine1, 'XData',get(hLine1,'XData')+N);
set(hLine2, 'XData',get(hLine2,'XData')+N);
%# break in case you close the figure
if ~ishandle(hAx), break, end