我不知道任何具有该功能的库。但是,Java 中外部二进制搜索的正确代码应该类似于:
class ExternalBinarySearch {
final RandomAccessFile file;
final Comparator<String> test; // tests the element given as search parameter with the line. Insert a PrefixComparator here
public ExternalBinarySearch(File f, Comparator<String> test) throws FileNotFoundException {
this.file = new RandomAccessFile(f, "r");
this.test = test;
public String search(String element) throws IOException {
long l = file.length();
return search(element, -1, l-1);
* Searches the given element in the range [low,high]. The low value of -1 is a special case to denote the beginning of a file.
* In contrast to every other line, a line at the beginning of a file doesn't need a \n directly before the line
private String search(String element, long low, long high) throws IOException {
if(high - low < 1024) {
// search directly
long p = low;
while(p < high) {
String line = nextLine(p);
int r = test.compare(line,element);
if(r > 0) {
return null;
} else if (r < 0) {
p += line.length();
} else {
return line;
return null;
} else {
long m = low + ((high - low) / 2);
String line = nextLine(m);
int r = test.compare(line, element);
if(r > 0) {
return search(element, low, m);
} else if (r < 0) {
return search(element, m, high);
} else {
return line;
private String nextLine(long low) throws IOException {
if(low == -1) { // Beginning of file
} else {
int bufferLength = 65 * 1024;
byte[] buffer = new byte[bufferLength];
int r = file.read(buffer);
int lineBeginIndex = -1;
// search beginning of line
if(low == -1) { //beginning of file
lineBeginIndex = 0;
} else {
//normal mode
for(int i = 0; i < 1024; i++) {
if(buffer[i] == '\n') {
lineBeginIndex = i + 1;
if(lineBeginIndex == -1) {
// no line begins within next 1024 bytes
return null;
int start = lineBeginIndex;
for(int i = start; i < r; i++) {
if(buffer[i] == '\n') {
// Found end of line
return new String(buffer, lineBeginIndex, i - lineBeginIndex + 1);
return line.toString();
throw new IllegalArgumentException("Line to long");
请注意:我专门编写了这段代码:角落案例的测试还不够好,代码假设没有单行大于 64K,等等。
我还认为建立行开始的偏移量索引可能是一个好主意。对于 500 GB 的文件,该索引应存储在索引文件中。您应该使用该索引获得一个不那么小的常数因子,因为不需要在每个步骤中搜索下一行。
我知道这不是问题,但是构建一个前缀树数据结构,如 (Patrica) Tries(在磁盘/SSD 上)可能是进行前缀搜索的好主意。