I've been porting a C++ program from Linux to Cygwin on Windows, and am having trouble with Boost Program Options (Boost 1.43). The program compiles and runs fine on Linux (Boost 1.44), but hangs under Cygwin:

/* prints */
std::cout << "positional options" << std::endl;

variables_map v;
store(command_line_parser(argc, argv)
    .options(o).positional(p).allow_unregistered().run(), v);

/* never prints */  
std::cout << "stored vars" << std::endl;


Any ideas? I can provide more information if needed. (If I had to guess, it's I/O blocked, as the CPU use sits at 0% here)


1 回答 1


如果我是你,我会使用 GDB 来完成它。

警告一句:有些东西不能有效地移植到 linux->cygwin,不管黑客多么聪明。在某个时候,您需要问问自己,在 Windows 上全部重写是否真的可以节省时间。

于 2011-09-08T22:13:15.297 回答