作为 Excel 工作簿模板的一部分,创建并添加了 Dictionary 对象(来自脚本运行时库)。是否可以以某种方式将其与工作簿一起保存,以便在启动工作簿时可用,或者我应该将数据导出到工作表并保存,然后在下次重新加载?
2907 次
2 回答
Worksheets("System").Visible = xlVeryHidden
于 2011-09-08T15:46:13.920 回答
Sub Save_Dict(aDict As Scripting.Dictionary, FileitAs As String, Data_ID As String)
Dim one, SaveStr() As String, s As Long
ReDim SaveStr(aDict.Count)
SaveStr(0) = Data_ID
s = 0
For Each one In aDict
s = s + 1
SaveStr(s) = one & vbBack & aDict(one)
Next one
Write Join(SaveStr, vbCrLf)) to FileitAs 'Method of choice
End Sub
sub Get_Dict(aDict as Scripting.Dictionary, FiledAs as String, Data_ID as String) as Long
Dim one, SavedString, nLng as long, i as integer
Read SavedString from FiledAs - 'Method of choice
SavedString = split(SavedString, vbCrLf)
If Ubound(SavedString) =>0 then
Data_ID = SavedString(0)
For nLng = 1 to ubound(SavedString)
i = instr(SavedString(nLng),vbBack)
adict.add left(SavedString(nLng),i-1, Mid(SavedString(nLng),i+1)
next Nlng
End If
End Sub
于 2016-03-01T21:53:48.340 回答