这是我的原始脚本。它将返回 Safari 的当前 url
NSAppleScript *scriptURL= [[NSAppleScript alloc] initWithSource:@"tell application \"Safari\" to return URL of front document as string"];
如果我想在要求脚本返回 URL 之前检查 Safari 浏览器是否打开怎么办?
tell application "Safari"
if it is running then
//return url code here
end if
end tell
我现在需要的是使用'[[NSAppleScript alloc] initWithSource:'立即从我的可可应用程序中调用脚本
NSAppleScript *scriptURL= [[NSAppleScript alloc] initWithSource:@"tell application \"Safari\" if it is running to return URL of front document as string"];