Sun's One Server worked great up until Sun Disappeared. Now looking around the landscape the classic ASP solutions are all abadoned.

Apache::ASP appears to be perl wrapped in ASP tags. Chilisoft ASP no longer exists. Old versions won't compile against new Apache 2. Sun's package solution doesn't even have a support page anymore.

Where did everyone with ASP code running on a unix server run to? Is it time to pay the outdated code tax?


1 回答 1


我找到了这个:http ://www.mono-project.com/Mod_mono

Mod_Mono 是一个 Apache 2.0/2.2 模块,它为 Web 最喜欢的服务器 Apache 提供 ASP.NET 支持。

该模块将对 ASP.NET 页面的请求传递给一个外部程序 mod-mono-server,该程序实际处理这些请求。Apache 模块和 mod-mono-server 之间的通信是使用 Unix 套接字或 TCP 套接字建立的。

于 2012-03-15T13:49:15.987 回答