我通过细分输入矩阵 (A[x/num_of_streams*y] B[x y] = C[x/num_of_streams*y]) 在单个 GPU (Tesla C2050) 上的不同流上运行 CUBLAS v2.0,但不知何故我使用 CUDA 流需要更多时间。这是代码片段:
//plan is a struct containing the matrix dimensions and stream numbers
//parallel in nstreams - should be! MAX 16 streams could run concurrently
//Copy A - cudaMemCpyAsync
for(i = 0; i < nstreams; i++)
cudgemm_copyA_in_streams (&plan[i]);
//Copy B - cudaMemCpyAsync
for(i = 0; i < nstreams; i++)
cudgemm_copyB_in_streams (&plan[i]);
//Create handles - serial
for(i = 0; i < nstreams; i++)
handle[i] = create_handle();
//Run kernels - first doing a cublasSetStream(handle, plan->stream) before running cublasDgemm...
for(i = 0; i < nstreams; i++)
cudgemm_kernel_in_streams (&plan[i], handle[i], 1.0f, 1.0f);
//Destroy handles - serial
for(i = 0; i < nstreams; i++)
destroy_handle (handle[i]);
//Copy C - cudaMemCpyAsync
for(i = 0; i < nstreams; i++)
cudgemm_copyC_in_streams (&plan[i]);
//EDIT: Function body
//The other two copy functions are exactly the same as this
void cudgemm_copyA_in_streams(TGPUplan *plan)
cudasafe(cudaMemcpyAsync(plan->Ad_Data, plan->Ah_Data, (plan->Acols * plan->Arows * sizeof(double)), cudaMemcpyHostToDevice, plan->stream) );
//Create handle
cublasHandle_t create_handle ()
cublasHandle_t handle;
checkError(cublasCreate(&handle), "cublasCreate() error!\n");
return handle;
//Destroy handle
void destroy_handle (cublasHandle_t handle)
checkError(cublasDestroy(handle), "cublasDestroy() error!\n");
void cudgemm_kernel_in_streams(TGPUplan *plan, cublasHandle_t handle, const double alpha, const double beta)
cublasStatus_t ret;
cublasSetStream(handle, plan->stream);
ret = cublasDgemm(handle, CUBLAS_OP_N, CUBLAS_OP_N, plan->Arows, plan->Ccols, plan->Acols, &alpha, plan->Ad_Data, plan->Arows, plan->Bd_Data, plan->Brows, &beta, plan->Cd_Data, plan->Crows);
checkError(ret, "cublas Dgemm returned an error!\n");
因此,我在流和分配工作之间来回切换,期望获得更好的执行时间,但我注意到与不使用流的版本相比,流的数量越多,程序需要的时间就越多。我哪里错了?跨帖子到 Nvidia 论坛 - http://forums.nvidia.com/index.php?showtopic=209420
//copy data
for(i = 0; i < nstreams; i++)
cudgemm_copyA_in_streams (&plan[i]);
cudgemm_copyB_in_streams (&plan[i]);
//Run kernel and copy back
for(i = 0; i < nstreams; i++)
cudgemm_kernel_in_streams (&plan[i], handle[i], 1.0f, 1.0f);
cudgemm_copyC_in_streams (&plan[i]);
当我针对 6144 的矩阵顺序分析我的程序时,我得到以下信息:
Kernel time = 42.75 % of total GPU time
Memory copy time = 28.9 % of total GPU time
Kernel taking maximum time = fermiDgemm_v2_kernel_val (42.8% of total GPU time)
Memory copy taking maximum time = memcpyHtoDasync (21.7% of total GPU time)
Total overlap time in GPU = 65268.3 micro sec. (3.6% of total GPU time)
当我为上述循环计时时,我得到的时间为 0.000284 秒,而不使用流的版本为 1.703289 秒(在该版本中,我也对两个顺序内存副本、内核调用和剩余的 memCpy 计时)。我认为由于我没有使用任何同步结构,可能是我在计算实际完成之前打印了时间(我发现很难相信有 100% 的改进)。