这里的 API 文档可以提供帮助。
Foursquare 搜索与您提供的位置“点”(查询中的“将”参数)密切相关。简单的答案是,要在给定区域内查找更多场所,您只需使用该区域内的不同位置“点”再次查询即可。
The default intent for the search method is 'checkin', which will return the 50 most popular locations closest to that point. If instead you want to look at all the venues within an area, you can use the 'browse' intent. This takes either a 'radius' parameter, in which case it returns venues inside a circle around the given point with the given radius, or it takes two coordinates representing the 'sw' and 'ne' corners of a rectangle. So, you could do:
which will give you 50 venues within the 50m circle around that point. A smaller radius will reduce the number of venues returned. So, by varying the radius and the point at which you search (or the size and position of the rectangle described by the 'sw' and 'ne' parameters), you can get more venues returned.
Hope that helps.