I'm trying to use FSEvents to detect when files were added/removed from a specific folder. For the moment, I implemented a simple wrapper around FSEvents, and it works fine : I get all the events.
BUT the problem I have now is that when I rename a file in the Finder, I catch 2 distinct events : the first one of type "renamed" with the old file name, and another one with "renamed" and the new filename. The event ids are different between both calls.
So, how am I supposed to know which "renamed" event contains the old name, and which event contains the old one ?? I tried looking in the documentation, but unfortunately, kFSEventStreamEventFlagItemRenamed is not documented ... it seems new in Lion.
PS: the only way I could think of was : on a renamed event, I check my UI to see if I have an item corresponding to the event path. If so, I flag it for renaming. If not, I check if an item was flagged for renaming, and if so, then I rename it to the new event path. But I really don't like this idea ...
Edit: Ok, I imlemented something along the line of my "PS" : I noticed that when renaming something, the ids of the 2 events are consecutives, so that with the id of the event containing the new name, I can get the event containing the old name. I simply use a little dictionnary in my interface to store ids and associated paths in the case of a "renamed" event.
Anyway, I can now catch rename events, and even move events : when you move a file, it's a "renamed" event which is caught by the FSEventStream ...
But, I still have one last problem : deleting. When I delete something, it's moved to the recycle bin : I receive a "renamed" event. But the problem is that I don't receive the second rename event. Only a "modified" event on the .DS_Store file. I think this file is used by the Finder to know which files are in the bin, etc. So I could check modification to this file, and get the last "renamed" event to detect that a file was sent to the bin. But I'm using TotalFinder which uses Asepsis, which modifies the way the Finder stores .DS_Store files : I no longer receive "modified" on this. To sumarize : I can't detect when a file is sent to the bin ...
Any idea how I can do that ? Maybe use something else than FSEvents to catch only this event ?