I have had a justHost account now for a couple of years, the service is lame but i cant really argue with the price. I dont run any live sites there currently but i use it for development. I have recently been using it with magento community edition, and initially things were going well but then i ran into problems.

I had some issues with the previous version so i upgraded to 1.6.0, after a few problems i got this working, but kept experiencing problems with errors being thrown when trying to connect to pages. After getting frustrated and leaving it for a few hours I discovered that I could view a few pages this time before it errored.

I couldn't find anything about justHosts bandwidth policy, I have had no luck contacting them. Has anyone else experienced similar problems with a shared hosted service? what sort of cpu throttling and bandwidth policies does your hosting service use?


1 回答 1






现在我使用 Rackspace 托管。他们最小的实例每月花费我大约 12 美元,而且我有一个完整的 unix 盒子供我使用。我不会去别的地方。


于 2011-09-14T19:33:35.943 回答