好的,我回来了。我将问题完全简化为三个简单的字段,但使用 addJSONData 方法仍然停留在同一行。我已经坚持了好几天了,无论我如何修改 ajax 调用、json 字符串、等等等等,我都无法让它工作!手动添加一行数据时,我什至无法让它作为一个函数工作。任何人都可以发布一个适用于 ASP.NET 和 JSON 的 jqGrid 工作示例吗?请包含 2-3 个字段(最好是字符串、整数和日期?)我很高兴看到 jqGrid 的工作示例以及使用 addJSONData 方法手动添加 JSON 对象。非常感谢!!如果我得到这个工作,我将发布一个完整的代码示例,以获取 ASP.NET 的帮助,JSON 用户也坚持这一点。再次。谢谢!!
tbl.addJSONData(objGridData); //err: tbl.addJSONData 不是函数!!
这是我收到此消息时 Firebug 显示的内容:
• objGridData 对象总计=1 页=1 记录=5 行=[5]
○ 页“1”
行[对象 ID=1 PartnerID=BCN,对象 ID=2 PartnerID=BCN,对象 ID =3 PartnerID=BCN, 2 more... 0=Object 1=Object 2=Object 3=Object 4=Object]
(index) 0
(prop) ID (value) 1 (prop) PartnerID (value) "BCN" ( prop) DateTimeInserted (value) Thu May 29 2008 12:08:45 GMT-0700 (Pacific Daylight Time)
* 还有三行
这是变量 tbl (value) 'Table.scroll' 的值
<TABLE cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0" style="width: 245px;" class="scroll grid_htable"><THEAD><TR><TH class="grid_sort grid_resize" style="width: 55px;"><SPAN> </SPAN><DIV id="jqgh_ID" style="cursor: pointer;">ID <IMG src="http://localhost/DNN5/js/jQuery/jqGrid-3.4.3/themes/sand/images/sort_desc.gif"/></DIV></TH><TH class="grid_resize" style="width: 90px;"><SPAN> </SPAN><DIV id="jqgh_PartnerID" style="cursor: pointer;">PartnerID </DIV></TH><TH class="grid_resize" style="width: 100px;"><SPAN> </SPAN><DIV id="jqgh_DateTimeInserted" style="cursor: pointer;">DateTimeInserted </DIV></TH></TR></THEAD></TABLE>
datatype: function(postdata) {
mtype: "POST",
url: 'EDI.asmx/GetTestJSONString',
type: "POST",
contentType: "application/json; charset=utf-8",
data: "{}",
dataType: "text", //not json . let me try to parse
success: function(msg, st) {
if (st == "success") {
var gridData;
//strip of "d:" notation
var result = JSON.parse(msg);
for (var property in result) {
gridData = result[property];
var objGridData = eval("(" + gridData + ")"); //creates an object with visible data and structure
var tbl = jQuery('table.scroll')[0];
alert(objGridData.rows[0].PartnerID); //displays the correct data
//tbl.addJSONData(objGridData); //error received: addJSONData not a function
//error received: addJSONData not a function (This uses eval as shown in the documentation)
//tbl.addJSONData(eval("(" + objGridData + ")"));
//the line below evaluates fine, creating an object and visible data and structure
//var objGridData = eval("(" + gridData + ")");
//BUT, the same thing will not work here
//tbl.addJSONData(eval("(" + gridData + ")"));
// "{"total":"1","page":"1","records":"5","rows":[{"ID":1,"PartnerID":"BCN","DateTimeInserted":new Date(1214412777787)},{"ID":2,"PartnerID":"BCN","DateTimeInserted":new Date(1212088125000)},{"ID":3,"PartnerID":"BCN","DateTimeInserted":new Date(1212088125547)},{"ID":4,"PartnerID":"EHG","DateTimeInserted":new Date(1235603192033)},{"ID":5,"PartnerID":"EMDEON","DateTimeInserted":new Date(1235603192000)}]}"
jsonReader: {
root: "rows", //arry containing actual data
page: "page", //current page
total: "total", //total pages for the query
records: "records", //total number of records
repeatitems: false,
id: "ID" //index of the column with the PK in it
colNames: [
'ID', 'PartnerID', 'DateTimeInserted'
colModel: [
{ name: 'ID', index: 'ID', width: 55 },
{ name: 'PartnerID', index: 'PartnerID', width: 90 },
{ name: 'DateTimeInserted', index: 'DateTimeInserted', width: 100}],
rowNum: 10,
rowList: [10, 20, 30],
imgpath: 'http://localhost/DNN5/js/jQuery/jqGrid-3.4.3/themes/sand/images',
pager: jQuery('#pager'),
sortname: 'ID',
viewrecords: true,
sortorder: "desc",
caption: "TEST Example")};