我目前正在使用 XNA 3.1 制作 3D 汽车游戏。这是一个出租车游戏。所以我的主车在比赛中遇到了交通车辆。我在对交通车辆和主要车辆之间的碰撞检测进行编码时遇到问题。我使用边界框方法而不是边界球方法,因为边界球不能正确覆盖车辆。下面是我用来实现碰撞的代码。问题是当车辆左转或右转时,边界框不会随之改变。


carWorld = Matrix.CreateScale(1f) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(vehicalClassObs[0].Position);

 trafficWorld = Matrix.CreateScale(1f) * Matrix.CreateTranslation(carObject.Position);

        BoundingBox b=CalculateBoundingBox(carO);
        BoundingBox c=CalculateBoundingBox(car);

        Vector3[] obb = new Vector3[8];

        Vector3.Transform(obb, ref carWorld, obb);
        BoundingBox worldAABB = BoundingBox.CreateFromPoints(obb);

                Vector3[] occ=new Vector3[8];

                Vector3.Transform(occ, ref trafficWorld, occ);
                BoundingBox worldAACC = BoundingBox.CreateFromPoints(occ);

                if (worldAABB.Intersects(worldAACC))
                    col = true;
                else col = false; 

下面是 CalculateBoundingBox 方法

 public BoundingBox CalculateBoundingBox(Model m_model)

// Create variables to hold min and max xyz values for the model. Initialise them to extremes
Vector3 modelMax = new Vector3(float.MinValue, float.MinValue, float.MinValue);
Vector3 modelMin = new Vector3(float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue);

foreach (ModelMesh mesh in m_model.Meshes)

    Matrix[] m_transforms = new Matrix[m_model.Bones.Count];
  //Create variables to hold min and max xyz values for the mesh. Initialise them to extremes
   Vector3 meshMax = new Vector3(float.MinValue, float.MinValue, float.MinValue);
   Vector3 meshMin = new Vector3(float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue, float.MaxValue);

  // There may be multiple parts in a mesh (different materials etc.) so loop through each
  foreach (ModelMeshPart part in mesh.MeshParts)
     // The stride is how big, in bytes, one vertex is in the vertex buffer
     // We have to use this as we do not know the make up of the vertex
     int stride = part.VertexDeclaration.GetVertexStrideSize(0);

     byte[] vertexData = new byte[stride * part.NumVertices];
     mesh.VertexBuffer.GetData(part.BaseVertex * stride, vertexData, 0, part.NumVertices, 1); // fixed 13/4/11

     // Find minimum and maximum xyz values for this mesh part
     // We know the position will always be the first 3 float values of the vertex data
     Vector3 vertPosition=new Vector3();
     for (int ndx = 0; ndx < vertexData.Length; ndx += stride)
         vertPosition.X= BitConverter.ToSingle(vertexData, ndx);
         vertPosition.Y = BitConverter.ToSingle(vertexData, ndx + sizeof(float));
         vertPosition.Z= BitConverter.ToSingle(vertexData, ndx + sizeof(float)*2);

         // update our running values from this vertex
         meshMin = Vector3.Min(meshMin, vertPosition);
         meshMax = Vector3.Max(meshMax, vertPosition);

   // transform by mesh bone transforms
   meshMin = Vector3.Transform(meshMin, m_transforms[mesh.ParentBone.Index]);
   meshMax = Vector3.Transform(meshMax, m_transforms[mesh.ParentBone.Index]);

   // Expand model extents by the ones from this mesh
   modelMin = Vector3.Min(modelMin, meshMin);
   modelMax = Vector3.Max(modelMax, meshMax);

// Create and return the model bounding box
return new BoundingBox(modelMin, modelMax);




2 回答 2




/// <summary>
/// Transforms a bounding box for collision detection
/// </summary>
/// <param name="vehicleBounds">Original, object-centered bounding box that contains a car model</param>
/// <param name="vehicleWorldMatrix">Vehicle's world transformation matrix (does not include projection or view)</param>
/// <returns>An axis-aligned bounding box (AABB) that will com </returns>
protected BoundingBox TransformBoundingBox(BoundingBox vehicleBounds, Matrix vehicleWorldMatrix)
    var vertices = vehicleBounds.GetCorners();

    /// get a couple of vertices to hold the outer bounds of the transformed bounding box.
    var minVertex = new Vector3(float.MaxValue);
    var maxVertex = new Vector3(float.MinValue);

    for(int i=0;i<vertices.Length;i++)
        var transformedVertex = Vector3.Transform(vertices[i],vehicleWorldMatrix);

        /// update min and max with the component-wise minimum of each transformed vertex
        /// to find the outer limits fo teh transformed bounding box
        minVertex = Vector3.Min(minVertex, transformedVertex);
        maxVertex = Vector3.Max(maxVertex, transformedVertex);

    var result = new BoundingBox(minVertex, maxVertex);

    return result;


如果您使用的是多网格模型,BoundingBox.CreateMerged()请将它们组合起来以获得包含整个模型的框,或者为每个子网格边界框执行碰撞(尽管如果不使用某种加速结构,这可能会变得昂贵) .

于 2011-09-01T14:56:08.890 回答


//Create one of the matricies
//Vector3 loc = new Vector3(0, 0, 0); //Wherever the model is.
//Matrix world1 = Matrix.CreateTransform(loc);
private bool IsCollision(Model model1, Matrix world1, Model model2, Matrix world2)
        for (int meshIndex1 = 0; meshIndex1 < model1.Meshes.Count; meshIndex1++)
            BoundingSphere sphere1 = model1.Meshes[meshIndex1].BoundingSphere;
            sphere1 = sphere1.Transform(world1);

            for (int meshIndex2 = 0; meshIndex2 < model2.Meshes.Count; meshIndex2++)
                BoundingSphere sphere2 = model2.Meshes[meshIndex2].BoundingSphere;
                sphere2 = sphere2.Transform(world2);

                if (sphere1.Intersects(sphere2))
                    return true;
        return false;

您可以将所有球体更改为框,但这可能有效。此外,我所做的是一次移动一个轴(X 轴然后 Y 轴然后 Z 轴)的位置。这会产生更平滑的碰撞。

于 2013-12-16T01:47:17.397 回答