I have just completed a fresh install of PyroCMS on a dev server and it appears that the system and addons folder reside above the document root folder within "public_html".

PyroCMS is based off of CodeIgniter and every time I did a CodeIgniter install it always had me place the system folder below the document root for security purposes. Shouldn't this be true with the PyroCMS install?


1 回答 1


模块需要资产,这当然意味着需要 HTTP 访问。我们计划最终将 Asset 助手改进为 GZIP/minify/combine 一切,并通过“asset”控制器传递它,这意味着可以缓存图像并调整大小,可以压缩 javascript 等。

以这种方式将所有内容放入 PHP 文件意味着最终您将能够拥有公共文件夹之外的所有内容,但现在您需要直接访问,否则您完全无法获得包含图像、css、javascript 的主题的机会或图标。

只是不要告诉 Apache 将 PHP 文件作为 text/plain 提供,你会很好的。;-)

于 2011-08-31T15:44:27.223 回答