what the hell. As long as we're reviving this question, here's something for the age of literal collection syntax and visual format interpretation!
In case anyone is wondering, this works:
NSMutableArray *multi = [@[ [@[] mutableCopy] , [@[] mutableCopy] ] mutableCopy];
multi[1][0] = @"Hi ";
multi[1][1] = @"There ";
multi[0][0] = @"Oh ";
multi[0][1] = @"James!";
NSLog(@"%@%@%@%@", multi[0][0], multi[1][0], multi[1][1], multi[0][1]);
Result: "Oh Hi There James!"
Of course, there is the problem of trying something like multi[3][5] = @"?"
and getting an invalid index exception, so I wrote a category for NSMutableArray.
@interface NSMutableArray (NullInit)
+(NSMutableArray *)mutableNullArrayWithSize:(NSUInteger)size;
+(NSMutableArray *)mutableNullArraysWithVisualFormat:(NSString *)string;
@implementation NSMutableArray (NullInit)
+(NSMutableArray *)mutableNullArrayWithSize:(NSUInteger)size
NSMutableArray *returnArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:size];
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
[returnArray addObject:[NSNull null]];
return returnArray;
+(NSMutableArray *)mutableNullArraysWithVisualFormat:(NSString *)string
NSMutableArray *returnArray = nil;
NSRange bitRange;
if ((bitRange = [string rangeOfString:@"^\\[\\d+]" options:NSRegularExpressionSearch]).location != NSNotFound) {
NSUInteger size = [[string substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(1, bitRange.length - 2)] integerValue];
if (string.length == bitRange.length) {
returnArray = [self mutableNullArrayWithSize:size];
} else {
returnArray = [[NSMutableArray alloc] initWithCapacity:size];
NSString *nextLevel = [string substringWithRange:NSMakeRange(bitRange.length, string.length - bitRange.length)];
NSMutableArray *subArray;
for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
subArray = [self mutableNullArraysWithVisualFormat:nextLevel];
if (subArray) {
[returnArray addObject:subArray];
} else {
return nil;
} else {
return nil;
return returnArray;
As you can see, we have a convenience method for making an array full of NSNull
so that you can set indices with wild abandon.
Secondly, there's a recursive method that parses a string with a visual format like: [3][12]
(3 x 12 array). If your string is invalid in some way the method will return nil
, but if it's valid you get a whole multidimensional array of the sizes you specify.
Here are some examples:
NSMutableArray *shrub = [NSMutableArray mutableNullArrayWithSize:5];
NSMutableArray *tree = [NSMutableArray mutableNullArraysWithVisualFormat:@"[3][12]"]; // 2-Dimensional Array
NSMutableArray *threeDeeTree = [NSMutableArray mutableNullArraysWithVisualFormat:@"[3][5][6]"]; // 3-Dimensional Array
NSMutableArray *stuntedTree = [NSMutableArray mutableNullArraysWithVisualFormat:@"[6][4][k]"]; // Returns nil
You can pass as many dimensions as you like into the visual format method, and then access them with the literal syntax, like so:
NSMutableArray *deepTree = [NSMutableArray mutableNullArraysWithVisualFormat:@"[5][3][4][2][7]"];
deepTree[3][2][1][0][5] = @"Leaf";
NSLog(@"Look what's at %@", deepTree[3][2][1][0][5]);
Anyway, did this more as an exercise than anything else; it's probably pretty efficient in the grand scheme of things...considering as how we're making multi-dimensional arrays of Objective-C object pointers.